PopMM - 09/05/24 00:04

[00:04] [Rw]Carycyn out
[00:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead pop free matt
[00:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone know when amnesia is loggin in i need some free points
[00:14] [OP]pressive_clown out
[00:23] Saito_Vdm out
[00:24] LeoTheLion in
[00:26] [Rw]Carycyn in
[00:26] [Rw]Carycyn out
[00:26] [Rw]Carycyn in
[00:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> legit
[00:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> only reason im not a #1 on leader boards is cuz u goons dont paly
[00:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> and that matt is banned
[00:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> free matt fire inca
[00:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> ban nici
[00:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
[00:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> mutha fukas im player of teh century
[00:34] ruzcas in
[00:39] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:40] [AvA]Mibbel in
[00:43] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:45] adray_tsi in
[00:48] [Rw]Carycyn out
[00:54] cccp out
[01:05] LeoTheLion out
[01:05] LeoTheLion in
[01:06] LeoTheLion out
[01:06] LeoTheLion in
[01:07] [D]Joseph out
[01:07] [D]Joseph in
[01:07] [D]Joseph out
[01:08] ExLordDeath in
[01:08] ExLordDeath out
[01:09] LeoTheLion out
[01:13] adray_tsi out
[01:16] Garbageman in
[01:22] [D]Joseph in
[01:24] [D]Joseph out
[01:29] Garbageman out
[01:29] Garbageman in
[01:32] adray_tsi in
[01:32] ruzcas out
[01:48] mairaevelynmangino in
[01:48] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[01:49] BrianK in
[01:50] mairaevelynmangino> kok
[01:55] Garbageman out
[02:05] Garbageman in
[02:12] Unpredictable in
[02:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw #1 at pop
[02:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca have u ever seen such a meteoric rise?
[02:17] Unpredictable out
[02:21] [D]Joseph> :pepeglasses:
[02:22] IncaWarrior> nope, it's amazing
[02:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> thanks inca
[02:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> how lng untill u think i'm #1?
[02:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> ice WDYT?
[02:59] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:59] washedUp_tsi> Not long im sure
[02:59] washedUp_tsi> been a 20 yr journey so far
[02:59] washedUp_tsi> so not long to go i would think
[03:05] adray_tsi out
[03:17] Garbageman out
[03:18] ExLordDeath in
[03:18] ExLordDeath out
[03:26] Garbageman in
[03:27] adray_tsi in
[03:33] liuhao042 in
[03:33] liuhao042 out
[03:47] Garbageman out
[04:04] mairaevelynmangino> -.-
[04:07] Aaaaaaaaaa1234 in
[04:09] Aaaaaaaaaa1234 out
[04:15] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[04:48] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[04:59] BrianK out
[05:00] BrianK in
[05:01] [AsG]Sky- in
[05:02] Luxray out
[05:08] mairaevelynmangino out
[05:08] BrianK out
[05:10] FreeInca in
[05:13] FreeInca out
[05:37] mairaevelynmangino in
[05:37] mairaevelynmangino> waiting briank
[05:38] _BrianK in
[05:40] adray_tsi out
[06:00] mairaevelynmangino out
[06:01] mairaevelynmangino in
[06:01] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[06:01] mairaevelynmangino> listo.
[06:01] mairaevelynmangino> vv
[06:08] RessurectioN_TAS out
[06:08] mairaevelynmangino> mml
[06:09] mairaevelynmangino> 7667587
[06:09] mairaevelynmangino> 65467663677887657664443467688766545476755656876876e454546657866656564434368765687675767
[06:09] mairaevelynmangino> 11212126787782728786679
[06:09] mairaevelynmangino> moñ
[06:10] mairaevelynmangino> mllal}esa
[06:10] mairaevelynmangino> milnaesaa
[06:10] mairaevelynmangino> MILANESA
[06:10] _BrianK> Q RICOOO
[06:10] mairaevelynmangino> NAPOLITANA
[06:12] mairaevelynmangino> listo
[06:13] _BrianK> UNAS PIZZAS
[06:14] mairaevelynmangino> pizzas
[06:14] mairaevelynmangino> mañana le podes pedir a tu vieja paara hacer unas pizzas caseras}
[06:14] mairaevelynmangino> :3
[06:15] _BrianK> II
[06:15] _BrianK> SIIII
[06:15] mairaevelynmangino> Te amo
[06:15] _BrianK> YO TAMBIEN
[06:15] _BrianK> BEEEE
[06:15] _BrianK> BEBEEEE
[06:21] [AsG]Sky- out
[06:23] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[06:26] adray_tsi in
[06:34] Power_OP in
[06:44] Power_OP out
[06:44] mairaevelynmangino> holiiiss
[06:44] mairaevelynmangino> jugamos
[06:44] mairaevelynmangino> @_BrianK
[06:44] mairaevelynmangino out
[06:46] adray_tsi out
[06:47] mairaevelynmangino in
[06:47] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[06:47] mairaevelynmangino> listo
[06:47] _BrianK> BOOGOGOGOG
[06:47] mairaevelynmangino> hermoso
[06:48] _BrianK out
[06:48] BrianK in
[06:48] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[06:52] mairaevelynmangino> no
[06:52] BrianK> SSSHHH
[06:53] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[06:53] mairaevelynmangino> shhhh vos
[06:53] mairaevelynmangino> shhhh que
[06:54] Power_OP in
[06:54] Power_OP out
[06:55] mairaevelynmangino> okk
[06:55] mairaevelynmangino> red
[06:58] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[06:58] mairaevelynmangino> tengo hambre
[07:00] mairaevelynmangino> lento
[07:03] Power_OP in
[07:03] Power_OP out
[07:26] Plan3tFall in
[07:50] BrianK out
[07:50] mairaevelynmangino out
[08:01] [SW]Diablo in
[08:04] ExLordDeath in
[08:04] ExLordDeath out
[08:09] Garbageman in
[08:15] jammy in
[08:15] Garbageman out
[08:15] bockwurstlaune in
[08:44] [SW]Diablo out
[09:09] [AvA]noobITA in
[09:09] [AvA]noobITA out
[09:09] [AvA]noobITA in
[09:38] guitaryente in
[09:39] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:09] ExLordDeath in
[10:12] Plan3tFall out
[10:23] ExLordDeath in
[10:24] ExLordDeath out
[10:32] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:33] ExLordDeath> +1
[10:33] [AvA]noobITA> :heyguyz:
[10:34] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:35] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:35] ExLordDeath> relog
[10:35] ExLordDeath out
[10:35] ExLordDeath in
[10:35] [AvA]noobITA> yo lord
[10:35] [AvA]noobITA> wassup
[10:36] [AvA]noobITA> i got like 1h
[10:36] ExLordDeath> wassup
[10:36] [AvA]noobITA> then i go earn some money
[10:36] ExLordDeath> lol
[10:36] [AvA]noobITA> working
[10:36] ExLordDeath> good
[10:36] ExLordDeath> 2v1?
[10:36] [AvA]noobITA> nah
[10:36] [AvA]noobITA> u ll win
[10:36] ExLordDeath> there are other maps
[10:37] ExLordDeath> and i dont have to be the 1
[10:37] [AvA]noobITA> do army one man
[10:37] ExLordDeath> you mean this one?
[10:37] [AvA]noobITA> idr how is called
[10:37] ExLordDeath> this one?
[10:37] [AvA]noobITA> i see nubmnir rn
[10:37] ExLordDeath> how about now
[10:37] Warios_2 in
[10:37] [AvA]noobITA> i see the beginnig hill divide us
[10:38] ExLordDeath> yeah hold on
[10:38] Warios_2 out
[10:38] [AvA]noobITA> yo warios
[10:38] [AvA]noobITA> bye
[10:38] ExLordDeath> this one
[10:38] ExLordDeath> ?
[10:38] [AvA]noobITA> ye
[10:38] ExLordDeath> whos the 1
[10:38] ExLordDeath> me?
[10:38] [AvA]noobITA> idk
[10:38] [AvA]noobITA> pretty hard to defeat you
[10:38] ExLordDeath> so whom
[10:39] ExLordDeath> ill do whatever
[10:39] [AvA]noobITA> jammy will join
[10:39] ExLordDeath> did he say that
[10:39] [AvA]noobITA> no
[10:39] [AvA]noobITA> i feel it
[10:39] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[10:39] ExLordDeath> he didnt answer me
[10:39] [AvA]noobITA> same blast war for warm up?
[10:39] ExLordDeath> ig
[10:40] guitaryente> blast?
[10:40] ExLordDeath> yea
[10:40] guitaryente> couldnt be another map?
[10:41] jammy out
[10:43] Plan3tFall in
[10:49] ExLordDeath> so real game now?
[10:49] ExLordDeath> ffa or 2v1?
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA> why no ally up
[10:50] Sherminator in
[10:50] Sherminator out
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA> ah was unrated
[10:50] ExLordDeath> duh
[10:50] ExLordDeath> xd
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA> well igot 30 min
[10:50] ExLordDeath> 2v1 or ffa
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA> for eat and get rdy for work
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA> bye
[10:50] ExLordDeath> so leaving?
[10:50] ExLordDeath> bye
[10:50] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:51] ExLordDeath> ig there arent games
[10:52] ExLordDeath> 1v1?
[10:53] guitaryente> mmm i dont want rn
[10:53] ExLordDeath> ok
[10:53] guitaryente> im doing homework
[10:53] ExLordDeath> someone pm me if games
[11:24] Zpektrix_TAS out
[11:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:33] Unpredictable out
[11:50] RessurectioN_TAS in
[11:58] ExLordDeath out
[12:03] [OP]pressive_clown in
[12:19] Plan3tFall out
[12:32] [AvA]noobITA in
[12:43] [AsG]Godzilla in
[12:43] [AsG]Godzilla out
[12:43] [AsG]Godzilla in
[12:52] Unpredictable in
[12:55] jammy in
[12:55] [AvA]noobITA> hi cockwurstel
[12:55] [AvA]noobITA> :D
[12:57] Unpredictable out
[13:05] bockwurstlaune> yo
[13:05] bockwurstlaune out
[13:09] [AsG]Salty> This lobby is shit
[13:11] cyborg> Pressure Testing Knife Defense :kitchen_knife: - YouTube
[13:11] cyborg> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N7K1XE-X_Ss
[13:11] [AsG]Salty> Yeah mate nice knife but the lobby is still shit
[13:12] Unpredictable in
[13:12] [AsG]Salty> That's a really shit way to hold a knife too but
[13:13] [AsG]Salty> Like hold it sideways to open up your angle
[13:13] cyborg> I learned a lot from this video
[13:13] [AsG]Salty> I learnt fuck all
[13:13] [AsG]Salty> To be fair I didn't watch it the thumbnail was hilarious :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[13:14] [AsG]Salty> Like if you're gonna come at someone you don't go from the front
[13:14] cyborg> Gay love for salty
[13:14] [AsG]Salty> Ah look mate I'm all about the gay love
[13:14] [AsG]Salty> Let's stab and stab, if ya know what I mean
[13:14] [AsG]MentiX> Lol
[13:14] Unpredictable> :pepedoor:
[13:15] [AsG]Salty> Ah this place has fucken life after all
[13:15] [AsG]MentiX> Nice to see you!!
[13:15] [AsG]Salty> Hey can someone ask me how I show up in mm?
[13:15] [AsG]Salty> Is it [asg] or am I just fuckwit
[13:16] [AsG]MentiX> Yep
[13:16] [AsG]Salty> And be honest, like I know I'm a fuckwit
[13:16] [AsG]Salty> Yep what, fuckwit?
[13:16] [AsG]MentiX> https://ts.popre.net/minibot/
[13:17] [AsG]Salty> Thank you Ricky, you're the most useful person I've come across for months counting out my wife
[13:17] [AsG]MentiX> Haha I'm mentix btw
[13:17] [AsG]Salty> Yeah I just saw the surname
[13:17] [AsG]Salty> Fucking hell :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[13:17] [AsG]Salty> How are you my friend :smiling_face_with_hearts:
[13:18] [AsG]MentiX> Best I've been in years
[13:18] [AsG]MentiX> U??
[13:18] [AvA]noobITA> y osalty
[13:18] [AsG]Salty> Ah, I'd say crap if I'm coming to this again
[13:18] [AsG]MentiX> Except been sick for a week but yea
[13:18] [AsG]Salty> But I miss you guys, I miss YOU
[13:19] [AsG]MentiX> I like how you show up once every few years :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
[13:19] [AsG]MentiX> Then disappear
[13:19] [AsG]Salty> it's embarrassing :grinning_face_with_sweat::grinning_face_with_sweat:
[13:19] [AsG]Salty> I don't want to disappear but I kinda just forget, or think I'm too old and done
[13:19] [AsG]Salty> Hi noobITA
[13:20] [AsG]MentiX> Where are you at these days
[13:20] [AsG]Salty> Tasmania, think I sent you a drunken photo once a few years ago aback
[13:20] [AsG]MentiX> Yeah rofl
[13:20] [AvA]noobITA> nice
[13:20] [AsG]Salty> Middle of fucking nowhere
[13:20] [AsG]MentiX> I do remember that
[13:20] [AvA]noobITA> how old are u?
[13:20] [AsG]Salty> Nice and quiet
[13:21] [AsG]Salty> 36, which is funny because when I was 14 I remember telling Walhallah in a fit of rage he is too old for this and he was 30
[13:21] [AsG]Salty> So I'm just shameless at this point
[13:21] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[13:22] [AvA]noobITA> brb going rest 30 min
[13:22] [AvA]noobITA out
[13:22] [AsG]Salty> You still in Sweden mentix? Sorry I think you moved but I just don't remember my apologies
[13:25] [AsG]Salty> Can't believe one of my best pop friends in Mentix just accused me of ghosting :grinning_face_with_sweat::grinning_face_with_sweat:
[13:25] [AsG]Salty> What a shocking person I am
[13:26] [AsG]MentiX> I'm still in ýýland lol
[13:26] [AsG]Salty> Sorry, maybe it was someone else, I thought you had moved
[13:26] [AsG]MentiX> Also middle of nowhere
[13:26] [AsG]MentiX> Yeah Ive been considering it a few times
[13:26] [AsG]Salty> Ah I understand it all now, I wouldn't change it for the world
[13:27] [AsG]Salty> No don't! Enjoy the peace brother
[13:27] [AsG]MentiX> Would be Stockholm in that case, earliest this fall
[13:27] [AsG]MentiX> Yea there's pros and cons
[13:27] [AsG]Salty> Well I brought Midori here and we stayed in Melbourne for three years until we said stuff this
[13:28] [AsG]Salty> Hometown changed a bit but
[13:28] Unpredictable out
[13:28] [AsG]MentiX> Probably nice settling down somewhere like that with a partner/family
[13:28] [AsG]MentiX> Which I'm lacking :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[13:29] [AsG]MentiX> My company has offices both here and in Stockholm though so wouldn't be a big thing to move there for me
[13:29] [AsG]Salty> Was moreso we were both tired of just running around in circles
[13:30] [AsG]Salty> Yeah good man
[13:30] [AsG]MentiX> Are you planning on staying there?
[13:30] [AsG]Salty> We won't move. Was lucky mum and dad had a spare house
[13:30] [AsG]MentiX> Cool
[13:30] [AsG]Salty> He was gonna rent it until mum crapped on with moving here
[13:31] [AsG]Salty> I kept saying why do I wanna move to the arse end of the earth butýýý mum knows best
[13:31] [AsG]MentiX> Haha apparently
[13:31] [AsG]MentiX> Do you have kids?
[13:31] [AsG]Salty> Best thing we did, Midori loves it
[13:32] [AsG]MentiX> Awesome brother!
[13:32] [AsG]Salty> Nah, maybe. It's expensive here
[13:32] [AsG]MentiX> More than the rest of Australia?
[13:32] [AsG]Salty> When I went to school it cost my parents four grand a year, now it's probably closed to 12
[13:32] [AsG]Salty> All of Australia
[13:32] [AsG]MentiX> Damn
[13:33] [AsG]Salty> We've had a lot of self inflicted economic landlines we've laid out for ourselves
[13:33] [AsG]MentiX> Maybe it's just in Scandinavia we don't have to pay for that
[13:33] [AsG]Salty> Because as a country we're a bunch of fucking idiots
[13:33] [AsG]MentiX> Lol
[13:33] [AsG]Salty> Once upon a time we didn't
[13:34] [AsG]Salty> My parents never paid a cent for their education for instance
[13:34] [AsG]MentiX> As it should be
[13:34] [AsG]Salty> Anglosphere in the 80's with Thatcher and Reagan putting the thumb on us and squeezing down
[13:34] [AsG]Salty> I'd go into a huge rant at the moment but eh, :squinting_face_with_tongue:
[13:35] [AsG]Salty> I'm just happy to speak to you again my friend
[13:35] [AsG]MentiX> Haha I see!
[13:35] [AsG]MentiX> Likewise
[13:35] [AsG]MentiX> I miss those rants
[13:35] [AsG]Salty> :face_with_rolling_eyes: Jesus
[13:35] [AsG]Salty> Me teeing off?
[13:36] [AsG]MentiX> Yea lobby is boring nowadays
[13:36] [AsG]Salty> I'm supposed to have matured man
[13:36] [AsG]Salty> That makes me compromised
[13:36] guitaryente out
[13:37] [AsG]MentiX> Those rants were hilarious
[13:37] [AsG]MentiX> Did you hear about addiction passing away?
[13:37] [AsG]Salty> I've heard but didn't believe it
[13:37] [AsG]MentiX> He was funny bloke too
[13:37] [AsG]Salty> Was asked about it but thought it was a meme
[13:38] [AsG]Salty> None of his mates I spoke to ever mentioned it either
[13:38] [AsG]MentiX> He disappeared for years and people speculated
[13:38] [AsG]MentiX> Until they found a post on Facebook confirming it a couple of months ago
[13:38] [AsG]Salty> Really?
[13:39] [AsG]MentiX> Yep there's a thread on the forums
[13:39] [AsG]Salty> Last thing he said to me he was going offshore for North Sea oil jobs
[13:39] [AsG]MentiX> Yea i heard about that but I wasn't around by then
[13:39] [AsG]Salty> :slightly_frowning_face:
[13:40] [AsG]Salty> I had so much fun with that cunt
[13:40] [AsG]MentiX> I know man
[13:40] [AsG]Salty> He was saving up to come here to meet me
[13:40] [AsG]MentiX> Really?
[13:41] [AsG]MentiX> Well I'd do the same if I visited Australia for sure
[13:41] [AsG]Salty> We worked out we had some obscure family connection
[13:41] [AsG]Salty> Like his aunties aunty or something ridiculous
[13:41] [AsG]MentiX> Wow haha
[13:41] [AsG]Salty> That's shocking if it's true
[13:42] [AsG]MentiX> How the hell did you work that out
[13:42] [AsG]Salty> Spoke to his sister around the time he was ýýýoff shoreýýý when everyone said he was dead
[13:42] [AsG]MentiX> Oh nice, did you know her?
[13:42] [AsG]Salty> Mums family was from the same area he grew up in and her maiden name was far too common for it not to be a coincidence
[13:42] [AsG]MentiX> She was the one posting the news
[13:43] [AsG]Salty> Not well, spoke once
[13:43] [AsG]MentiX> Ah
[13:43] [AsG]Salty> I was managing the pub back in the day when rangers v Celtic was happening
[13:43] [AsG]MentiX> Oh boy
[13:44] [AsG]Salty> Reckon I said something like ýýýthe amount of absolute fucking shit being talked at the moment, you'd be happyýýý
[13:44] [AsG]Salty> Then he called me and the reception was shocking so we just kept saying ýýýehhhh uujgggghhhýýý
[13:44] [AsG]MentiX> Haha I can imagine
[13:45] [AsG]Salty> Then he said ýýýhere's my sisterýýý and she said hi then we just kept going ghhhgghh
[13:45] [AsG]MentiX> Lol
[13:45] [AsG]MentiX> He had balls introducing his sister
[13:45] [AsG]Salty> There was a bit where Rangers fans in the pub were singing Tina arena the best
[13:45] [AsG]Salty> And over the ggghhh he said ýýýget fuckedýýý
[13:46] [AsG]Salty> And a few of our locals at the bar just laughed and said ýýýhe's from Aberdeen isn't heýýý
[13:46] [AsG]MentiX> Lol
[13:46] Unpredictable in
[13:46] [AsG]Salty> Was different, Genesis and Kidd must be distraught
[13:47] [AsG]Salty> You remember for a long time I was the only non Scottish player that could speak Scot's
[13:47] [AsG]MentiX> I don't think Gen had even heard of it either if I'm not mistaken
[13:47] [AsG]MentiX> Haha
[13:48] [AsG]Salty> They were close, he went down to meet Gen in Glasgow
[13:48] [AsG]Salty> For Scots that's a massive trip
[13:48] [AsG]Salty> Ah that's fucking depressing man
[13:48] [AsG]Salty> Shaun
[13:49] [AsG]Salty> How's Olavi? Now I'm paranoid :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
[13:49] [AsG]Salty> Shak was sad enough, good lad
[13:49] [AsG]MentiX> No idea about olavi
[13:49] [AsG]MentiX> But got Nano on facebook
[13:50] [AsG]Salty> For anyone wondering what the fuck were talking about by the way
[13:50] [AsG]Salty> These Scandinavian cunts kept me going because they just demanded a good game
[13:50] [AsG]Salty> So it was you, Olavi, Jakob
[13:51] [AsG]Salty> Don't remember Nano's name and he'll fly here and strangle me if I speak to him again
[13:51] [Rw]Carycyn> gene knows about it, someone from rw reached out to him on fb
[13:51] [Rw]Carycyn> also hi salty
[13:51] [AsG]MentiX> Ragnj said he's mostly covered in shit and vomit these days
[13:52] [AsG]Salty> Hi Carycyn. sorry I don't know names ang@ore
[13:52] [AsG]Salty> Yeah sounds like Jakob
[13:52] [AsG]Salty> Him and I convinced everyone for a day we owned a Volvo
[13:52] [AsG]MentiX> Not his own though, his kids'
[13:52] [AsG]Salty> Well that's just not right
[13:53] [Rw]Carycyn> doubt you remember me, but im alan_90
[13:53] [AsG]Salty> I'm sorry but you need to tell Jakob he needs to piss and vomit
[13:53] [AvA]Soma- in
[13:53] [AsG]Salty> Sýý demands the sacrifice
[13:53] [AsG]Salty> I remember
[13:53] [AsG]Salty> Not very well I apologise
[13:53] [AsG]Salty> Probably slagged you off once
[13:54] [Rw]Carycyn> maybe but i never took things too serious lol
[13:54] [AsG]Salty> I'd lie and say I was younger then but Mentix is ripping me apart
[13:54] [AsG]Salty> So yeah :/
[13:54] [AsG]Salty> Good lad, was only three I hated on here
[13:55] [AsG]MentiX> Who were those
[13:55] [AsG]Salty> Sorry four, everything else was a joke
[13:56] [AsG]Salty> Keith181, and I was justified in that because he's become this weird trumpist fuck
[13:56] [AsG]Salty> Look at you Mentix winding me up like the old days :smiling_face_with_hearts:
[13:56] [AsG]MentiX> Haha he was not very likable
[13:56] Dougs in
[13:56] [AsG]MentiX> Told you I miss the rants
[13:57] [AsG]MentiX> In fact there was nothing to like about him at all
[13:57] [AsG]Salty> So Keith181, discount Keith52 with more bible bashinf
[13:57] [AsG]MentiX> Lmao
[13:57] [AsG]Salty> Only Matt, but come on I wasn't the only one that hated him
[13:58] [AsG]MentiX> Narcissistic psycho
[13:58] [AsG]MentiX> Banned for life now
[13:58] [AsG]Salty> He just sucked
[13:59] [AsG]MentiX> He posted something about having cancer the other week
[13:59] [AsG]MentiX> But think it was just a plot to try and get himself unbanned
[13:59] [AsG]Salty> He tried to challenge me to a game of poker then said he fucked his sister and accused me of being a virgin
[13:59] [AsG]Salty> Was like don't think that's the win you think it is boy butýýý
[14:00] [AsG]Salty> Ah what can you say, Florida
[14:00] [AsG]MentiX> Not very bright
[14:00] [AsG]Salty> Well he said to me ýýýI'll admit I fucked my sister-in-law if you admit you're too scared to place a $10 betýýý
[14:00] [AsG]Salty> Was like what the fuck an :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[14:01] JJaydenn_TSI in
[14:01] [AsG]MentiX> Not even surprising
[14:01] [AsG]Salty> Uh warg
[14:01] Garbageman in
[14:01] [AsG]MentiX> He didn't say much did he
[14:01] [AsG]Salty> Very old hater but the hate is strong
[14:01] [AsG]Salty> Was just useless
[14:01] [AsG]MentiX> True
[14:02] [AsG]MentiX> Let me guess the last one
[14:02] [AsG]MentiX> Terato?
[14:02] JJaydenn_TSI> ANY 2V2
[14:02] [AsG]Salty> :grinning_face_with_sweat: nah. He was funny
[14:02] [AsG]Salty> The last one I can't say
[14:02] [AsG]MentiX> I think I know
[14:02] power_OP> later on today jj
[14:02] power_OP> i mean like 4 hours
[14:02] power_OP> later
[14:02] power_OP> this evening
[14:03] [AsG]Salty> If you know, you know
[14:03] JJaydenn_TSI> wanna 1v1 power
[14:03] JJaydenn_TSI> or any 1 here wanna 1v1
[14:03] power_OP> i am busy rn, not in the house
[14:03] [AsG]Salty> Famously wanted to fight me and walked right past me in Norwich
[14:03] JJaydenn_TSI> ahh fairs
[14:03] power_OP> when i back in 4 hours
[14:03] [AsG]MentiX> What the fuck lol
[14:03] jammy> blasts adray?
[14:03] power_OP> we can sure do
[14:04] [AsG]Salty> But it makes Jake uneasy
[14:04] [AsG]Salty> And I like the fat fuck, his little food truck was alright actually
[14:04] [AsG]Salty> Didn't tell him who I was but I enjoyed it
[14:04] [AsG]MentiX> You met him?
[14:04] [AvA]noobITA in
[14:04] [AsG]Salty> He didn't know it but yeah
[14:05] [AsG]MentiX> Haha
[14:05] [AsG]Salty> I was too embarrassed that I was in Luton
[14:05] [AsG]Salty> We were checking out a place to rent and I said this joint is a dive
[14:05] [AsG]Salty> And Midori said that's Jake in his chip truck
[14:05] [AsG]Salty> Don't think I've told him that
[14:05] [AsG]MentiX> Was just going to ask
[14:06] [AsG]Salty> Said I saw him but not that he gave me chips
[14:06] [AsG]Salty> Good chips by the way, Tundar knows how to fucken fry
[14:06] Lovenji_OP in
[14:06] [AsG]Salty> If you're ever in England
[14:06] [AsG]MentiX> If I dare go there
[14:06] [AsG]Salty> Nah Luton is a shithole
[14:07] [AsG]Salty> Rather live in Gaza at the moment
[14:07] [AsG]MentiX> Need to bring a knife?
[14:07] [AsG]Salty> Less racist fucks
[14:07] JJaydenn_TSI> only if ur a pussy mendick
[14:07] [AsG]Salty> Ah not that even, just a pack of pretenders
[14:07] Garbageman out
[14:07] merciless1> Poor tundar lmfao
[14:07] merciless1> Addi went luton n even told him he was there but didnt want to meet him
[14:08] [AsG]Salty> Yeah did the same
[14:08] [AsG]Salty> Is this Sho fuck 1988?
[14:08] merciless1> Nope
[14:08] [AsG]Salty> Ah right, sorry I forgot Mentix
[14:08] Lovenji_OP> :howdy:
[14:08] [AsG]Salty> The other one I'm a.hater for
[14:09] [AsG]MentiX> One of Jake's friends?
[14:09] jammy out
[14:09] [AsG]MentiX> Forgot about them
[14:09] [AsG]Salty> Hi sho by the way, sorry I accused of you being a parasite
[14:09] jammy in
[14:09] Suslik in
[14:09] merciless1> dont evne know which sho u even talkin about
[14:09] [AsG]Salty> Nah no one liked him :grinning_face_with_sweat:, he was the shithead that said he was playing pop since 1989
[14:10] [AsG]Salty> Then I found the 1989 song by the rakes
[14:10] merciless1> i wasnt even born yet that time lmfao
[14:10] [AsG]Salty> And that ended him
[14:10] [AsG]MentiX> Wasn't that shaolin monk or someone
[14:10] [AsG]Salty> Yeah Sharp
[14:10] [AsG]MentiX> Famous quote
[14:10] [AsG]MentiX> I think he wrote that in his application to our clan
[14:11] [AsG]Salty> Sorry Sho he had the same clan tag as you too
[14:11] [AsG]MentiX> To which he applied every week
[14:11] [AsG]Salty> I feel really bad now
[14:11] [Rw]Carycyn> shao was on a few weeks ago iirc
[14:11] [AsG]Salty> Nah he wrote in his clan app to us how strong he was :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[14:11] [AsG]MentiX> No need to feel sorry for sho lol
[14:11] [AsG]MentiX> Only guy I have blocked in the matchmaker
[14:11] [AsG]Salty> That piece of shit still comes here?
[14:11] JJaydenn_TSI> isnt it mad big dick jay been here for 1-2 years and is already the best fucking 2v2 player there is soon to be the best 1v1 player
[14:12] [AsG]Salty> Jesus man I'm not doing my job properly
[14:12] JJaydenn_TSI> and yall still suck playing 20 + years goddaym
[14:12] [AsG]Salty> Sure jay :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
[14:12] [AsG]Salty> Good wind up, almost made me look up installing pop on a Mac again
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX> Lol
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX> Dual boot
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX> I guess is the only way
[14:13] [AvA]noobITA> jj join
[14:13] [AvA]noobITA> jjayden
[14:13] [AsG]Salty> How many people did we destroy again Richard back in the day?
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX> More than 1
[14:13] [AsG]Salty> Rikard*
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX> Wrong again
[14:14] [AsG]Salty> We'll get a new name brother
[14:14] [AsG]Salty> Olavi rolls off the tongue :face_with_tongue:
[14:14] JJaydenn_TSI> waiting for fws mix ur 2 shit man
[14:14] JJaydenn_TSI> soma is decent tho
[14:14] [AvA]noobITA> be cool
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> i pwn u in 30 min
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> stfu
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> jj
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> :P
[14:15] JJaydenn_TSI> remember last time
[14:15] [AsG]Salty> What does fws mix ur 2 shit man mean?
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> i got better
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> im not war rank rlly
[14:15] JJaydenn_TSI> i own u in like 8 mins and u called me a monster :kekw:
[14:15] merciless1> noobita = mix
[14:15] merciless1> mix is a player
[14:15] merciless1> mixjumpen
[14:15] [AsG]MentiX> Aka dickjumpen
[14:15] [AvA]noobITA> monster cuz i had mouse problem
[14:15] [AsG]Salty> lol that little shit is good now?
[14:16] merciless1 in
[14:16] [AvA]noobITA> damn igot mouse flick for while
[14:16] merciless1> not yet lol
[14:16] [AvA]noobITA> yes mix is awesome
[14:16] [AvA]noobITA> number 1
[14:16] [AsG]Salty> Well hope he was
[14:16] [AsG]MentiX> Like rank 25 of 20 active players or so
[14:16] [AsG]Salty> He's only been trying since 2005
[14:16] [AsG]Salty> Yeah but terato was #1 for 15 years
[14:16] [AsG]Salty> And he sucked
[14:16] [AvA]noobITA> general too
[14:17] [AsG]MentiX> Yea but he made his own league
[14:17] [AvA]noobITA> terato lol
[14:17] [AsG]MentiX> Wonder what happened to him
[14:17] [AsG]Salty> I wasn't that good either I just was a smart arse
[14:17] [AsG]Salty> But he sucked man
[14:18] [AsG]MentiX> Remember Chana an?
[14:18] [AsG]MentiX> Chanaman
[14:18] [AsG]Salty> A little
[14:18] [AsG]Salty> He sucked as well
[14:18] [AsG]MentiX> Yea but when I was new he wrecked my ass
[14:19] [AsG]MentiX> Thought he was the best player around
[14:19] JJaydenn_TSI> now im the best player around
[14:19] JJaydenn_TSI> yall scared asf 2 1v1 apart from power
[14:19] merciless1> dont even remember a "best player" back in 2009
[14:19] merciless1> until nici took #1 for ever
[14:19] [AsG]Salty> Yeah but you learnt very well and very quick
[14:19] merciless1> a while after
[14:19] JJaydenn_TSI> nicis been bashed by babo 2 much less hype on nici now
[14:19] [AsG]MentiX> Nefarius was 1 before nici era
[14:20] [AvA]noobITA> JJ sho join
[14:20] [AvA]noobITA> cmon
[14:20] [AvA]noobITA> wtf
[14:20] [AsG]Salty> Was never a #1
[14:20] [AvA]noobITA> jj urent that pro
[14:20] [AvA]noobITA> :D
[14:20] [AsG]MentiX> Except dead sea
[14:20] [AsG]Salty> Best player I ever fought was Challengeme3.
[14:21] [AsG]MentiX> Who lol
[14:21] [AsG]Salty> He taught me Dead Sea
[14:21] [AvA]noobITA> stoling wilds start 1v1
[14:21] [AvA]noobITA> like addiction
[14:21] [AsG]Salty> But if his ping was too high he was useless
[14:21] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> would love to play a game of DS nowadays
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> mentix you should host one
[14:21] [AsG]MentiX> Sure
[14:21] merciless1> dw no1 plays dead sea anyway
[14:22] [AsG]MentiX> But need to fix my robo mower now
[14:22] merciless1> only pp, 4walls and sess lmfao
[14:22] [AvA]noobITA> time for 8p
[14:22] [AvA]noobITA> push
[14:22] [AvA]noobITA> too
[14:22] [AsG]Salty> Keith52 was second
[14:23] [AsG]Salty> I probably killed Dead Sea :smiling_face_with_hearts:
[14:23] [Rw]Carycyn> i remember thinking supertribe, keith or gene as #1 back then
[14:23] [Rw]Carycyn> but that was probably my own opinion
[14:24] [AsG]Salty> Super was great but he was too easy to wind up
[14:24] [AvA]noobITA> @soma 1v1?
[14:24] [AsG]Salty> I think back in my time we had more mind games
[14:24] [AsG]Salty> None of us gave a fuck about the rank and it was all about doing 1v1 on eye of the sea
[14:25] [Rw]Carycyn> eye of the storm?
[14:25] [AsG]Salty> Yeah sorry
[14:25] [Rw]Carycyn> yea it was the best 1v1 map imo
[14:25] [AsG]Salty> Been a long time
[14:25] [AvA]noobITA> two crabs
[14:25] [AvA]noobITA> best map for 1v1
[14:25] [AsG]Salty> Once upon a time we would throw up challenges on eots
[14:26] merciless1> ye but that time leagues were evne less accurate than the actual one
[14:26] [AsG]Salty> If I can brag I had the title for maybe two weeks
[14:26] merciless1> any guy could choose the rank they wanted lmao
[14:26] [AsG]Salty> Oh you're right, the leagues meant nothing back then
[14:26] [AsG]Salty> We made up our own standard
[14:27] [AsG]Salty> But yeah cm3 was the one that used to beat me senseless
[14:27] [AsG]Salty> Keith52 sometimes, I liked playing him the most because it was fun to backdoor him on the secret
[14:28] [AsG]Salty> We could choose our rank too!
[14:28] [AsG]Salty> Long loooooooong time ago
[14:29] merciless1> ye
[14:29] merciless1> but right now leagues arent acurate either
[14:29] merciless1> cept maybe for the top 5
[14:29] merciless1> there is the real deal
[14:29] [AsG]Salty> I don't know enough to say
[14:29] [AsG]Salty> Don't even know who plays anymore
[14:29] [AvA]noobITA> yooà
[14:30] Dougs> sup
[14:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:30] [AvA]Soma-> fai 6
[14:30] Dougs> can do
[14:30] [AvA]Soma-> che c'è toruk :D
[14:30] merciless1> aye hard to tell if u arent active
[14:30] [AvA]Soma-> yo mate
[14:30] [AvA]noobITA> ciaotoruk
[14:30] [AsG]Salty> I can tell you if Mentix is playing a lot he'd destroy most players
[14:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi
[14:30] Dougs> If we cant get 6 I dont mind Toruk having my spot :)
[14:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I see only empty huts
[14:30] [AvA]Soma-> join 2nd hut
[14:30] [AvA]noobITA> toruk playu or skip
[14:30] Dougs> Yes the disguise is working
[14:30] [AvA]Soma-> 5th spot
[14:30] [AsG]Salty> I'm not active, this is my annual return until I forget how discord works
[14:30] Dougs> woah wtf
[14:30] merciless1> mentix plays fw level compared to the top 5
[14:30] merciless1> they're super nerds
[14:30] Dougs> that was weird
[14:31] Dougs> +1
[14:31] [AsG]Salty> Dougs
[14:31] Dougs> :+1:
[14:31] Dougs> Sup
[14:31] [AvA]noobITA> /me _+1_
[14:31] [AsG]Salty> You fucken Aussie?
[14:31] Dougs> Nope
[14:31] Dougs> UK
[14:31] [AsG]Salty> Ah get fucked then
[14:31] Dougs> :')
[14:31] merciless1> loll
[14:31] Dougs> </3
[14:31] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[14:31] [AsG]Salty> But yeah it's different
[14:32] [AvA]noobITA> sho
[14:32] [AsG]Salty> You gotta be something near here Douga
[14:32] [AvA]noobITA> damn join
[14:32] [AsG]Salty> You threw mate around like it was a bad smell
[14:32] merciless1> u guys too low level man
[14:32] merciless1> i'd feel alone if i join mix
[14:32] Dougs> lol yeah I do say it alot tbf
[14:32] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:33] Dougs> You'd know I was aussie if i came out with 'How's it fucken going there mate?'
[14:33] Dougs> That just screams aussie
[14:33] [AsG]Salty> You say ýýýyeah nahýýý?
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:33] Dougs> A little but not as much as mate
[14:33] [AvA]noobITA> ?
[14:33] Plan3tFall in
[14:33] [AsG]Salty> I've never said that in my life
[14:33] [AvA]noobITA> [AvA]noobITA + Dougs + [AvA]Soma- vs. jammy + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Zpektrix_TAS
[14:33] Meph> Jjay acting like he any good, yet he gets slapped around with a large trout daily
[14:33] [AvA]noobITA> lol?
[14:33] [AvA]noobITA> ok les go
[14:33] merciless1> salty how did addi die man im curious do u know sumthing
[14:33] [AsG]Salty> Closest I get is ýýýhow's it going cuntýýý
[14:34] Dougs> Yeah that's very aussie too
[14:34] [AsG]Salty> Sho I just found out about it and I thought it was a meme
[14:34] Dougs> [AvA]noobITA + Dougs + [AvA]Soma- vs. jammy + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Zpektrix_TAS
[14:34] merciless1> ye first time i heard it i couldnt beliee either
[14:34] merciless1> believe*
[14:34] merciless1> cant believe i wont see that clown tipying shit in here anymore
[14:34] [AsG]Salty> Genuinely the last time I came here he told me he was going on an offshore rig in the North Sea because he was a greedy cunt
[14:34] merciless1> lol
[14:35] [AsG]Salty> It's made me sad
[14:35] merciless1> ye cant say im happy bout it
[14:35] merciless1> he was a good laugh
[14:35] [AsG]Salty> I haven't heard anything from his family and I was telling Mentix we kinda worked out we were very distant family members
[14:36] washedUp_tsi out
[14:36] [AsG]Salty> There's a part of me that still thinks it's a meme but Mentix wouldn't bullshit
[14:36] [AsG]Salty> And if it came from his sister
[14:36] washedUp_tsi in
[14:36] merciless1> did u see the fb post of addi's sister
[14:37] [AsG]Salty> No I didn't, I dropped from Facebook a long time ago
[14:37] merciless1> well check it
[14:37] [AsG]Salty> Had my aunty crapping on about immigrants so I just said fuck it
[14:37] merciless1> https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159658318728828&set=a.10150156475418828
[14:37] merciless1> loll
[14:37] [AsG]Salty> If I wanted to listen to her talk shit I'd just go to her house
[14:38] merciless1> haha
[14:38] [AsG]Salty> Thanks for that, was wondering about the announcement
[14:38] merciless1> np
[14:41] Kayin in
[14:41] Kayin out
[14:41] Kayin in
[14:42] [AsG]Salty> That's fucking so sad
[14:42] [AsG]Salty> Thanks Sho
[14:44] [AsG]Salty> https://music.apple.com/au/album/what-a-waster/260744060?i=260744116
[14:44] [AsG]Salty> *our* favourite song
[14:45] [AsG]Salty> All the mayhem we used to cause we played this on repeat
[14:47] merciless1> seems like a good song
[14:48] merciless1> btw u comin back to pop or too busy
[14:48] [AsG]Salty> Honestly, wouldn't mind it
[14:49] [AsG]Salty> But apparently all you play 4v4
[14:49] merciless1> theres still 2v2 n 1v1 dw
[14:49] [AsG]Salty> And I got the game to play on mac and connect to the lobby but dunno if it will cope
[14:49] [AsG]Salty> Nor do I really want to do something new
[14:50] [AsG]Salty> I come back here because it was a part of my childhood
[14:50] [AsG]Salty> Met my wife through here lol
[14:50] [Rw]Carycyn> The only old map still played is pp
[14:50] merciless1> lol rely
[14:50] [Rw]Carycyn> Rest are gone
[14:50] merciless1> who is she
[14:50] [AsG]Salty> Midori, she will say hi but also fuck off
[14:50] [Rw]Carycyn> Forget about a game of craters or fo
[14:50] merciless1> loll i remember taht nick haha
[14:50] merciless1> dammmmmm
[14:50] [AsG]Salty> Yeah that's probably the big turn off
[14:51] [AsG]Salty> I was happy with just the same shit
[14:51] [OP]pressive_clown out
[14:51] [AsG]Salty> I know it's probably not popular now but yeah
[14:51] [AsG]mentix in
[14:51] merciless1> cant believe theres couples born off pop
[14:51] [Rw]Carycyn> Tbh im a bit glad fo is gone
[14:51] merciless1> but its nice
[14:51] [AsG]Salty> Face off was shit but I had my greatest moment there
[14:52] [AsG]Salty> So I don't care stuff you all
[14:52] [AsG]Salty> No one will ever take away me beating Genesis and Kidd in a 2v1 with Keith watching and saying ýýýhow the fuck did you do thatýýý
[14:53] merciless1> me n nici also beat addi and gene 2v2 on fo and i was a complete noob back then
[14:53] merciless1> fo was fun
[14:53] merciless1> but barely played anymore
[14:53] merciless1> just like cr8, tot n some others
[14:53] [AsG]Salty> I dunno guys, like I really want to play again, always get the jump when I'm in Europe seeing my in laws and the ping isn't 400 it's 20
[14:54] [AsG]Salty> But so much has changed, I'd be starting again basically
[14:54] Icefire in
[14:54] [AsG]Salty> Last game I played competitively was in 2014 and I hadn't played before that since 2011
[14:55] JJaydenn_TSI> this guy just doesnt stfu does he
[14:55] [AsG]Salty> Nah I don't fuckwit
[14:55] JJaydenn_TSI> lool
[14:55] [AsG]mentix> There's even a new version of the game now
[14:55] [AsG]Salty> Why don't you have a fucken yarn then?
[14:55] [AsG]Salty> Tell me about your fucken day Gayden
[14:55] [AsG]Salty> Let's see who is more petty
[14:55] [AsG]Salty> Brown nosed shit
[14:55] [AsG]mentix> They've fixed a couple of old bugs, as in missing spells etc but some things also changed for the worse
[14:56] JJaydenn_TSI> brown nose what :kek:
[14:56] [AsG]Salty> Yeah I know, I like the changes for QOL but the 4v4 turns me off
[14:56] JJaydenn_TSI> does it really?
[14:57] [AsG]Salty> Brown nose, I said you stick your face in arse
[14:57] [AsG]mentix> lol
[14:57] [AsG]Salty> Need more of a translation?
[14:57] merciless1> have u tried the 4v4
[14:57] JJaydenn_TSI> ill stick my nose in ur wifes ass if anything
[14:57] merciless1> shit can be fun
[14:57] Icefire out
[14:57] merciless1> bit chaotic but fun
[14:58] [AsG]Salty> Yeah that's funny man, coming from a kid who probably says ýýýoh that's my motherýýý when they block the road for roadworks
[14:58] [AsG]Salty> Piss off kid
[14:58] [AsG]mentix> jayden is a skinny 19 year old from the slums of london or something
[14:58] [AsG]Salty> Yeah I can tell
[14:58] Lovenji_OP> He's not even close to london mate
[14:58] [AsG]Salty> Sounds like one of the fucks that used to serve me their bullshit version of Portuguese chicken
[14:58] Lovenji_OP> Manchester, UK's unwashed Arsehole
[14:59] [AsG]Salty> ýýýOla chickenaaaaaýýý
[14:59] [AsG]mentix> you're right lovenji
[14:59] [AsG]Salty> Say it for me Jayden
[14:59] Lucas> Love the old school trash talking where ppl weren't afraid to be disgustingly racist
[14:59] JJaydenn_TSI> and ur a big fat nerd mendick like 38 posing in the mirror like a army man who are u 2 say anything lool
[14:59] [AsG]Salty> Say olaaaa for the nostalgia
[14:59] [AsG]Salty> Sorry Mentix he's having a go at you for my shit :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[15:00] [AsG]mentix> army man lol
[15:00] [AsG]Salty> Nothing disgustingly racist about what I'm saying
[15:00] [AsG]Salty> Nandos boy works at nandos
[15:00] [AsG]Salty> How is that racist?
[15:01] [AsG]Salty> Give him a couple of months he'll be promoted from wiping the leftovers from at hens night at wetherspoons
[15:01] [AsG]Salty> Give Jayden a fucken clap
[15:01] [AsG]Salty> He'll get it from sleeping with skanks anyway
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> u waffle more shit than osscur daym
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> like a angry osscur
[15:02] Lovenji_OP> Don't you dare start dragging down the Nando's
[15:02] merciless1> ossur*
[15:02] merciless1> tf
[15:02] merciless1> jjoin jjay
[15:02] [AsG]Salty> Wanna try spelling his name right :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[15:02] [AsG]Salty> I knew Ossur, he was as parasite like you
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> soon u got no players anyway
[15:03] [AsG]mentix> his name is actually jjayden as if he stutters when he writes
[15:03] merciless1> so start joining before its too late
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> salty u met ur bird on this game brah i dont wanna hear anything lol
[15:03] merciless1> dont wanna see u crying once its full
[15:03] merciless1> "let me in mannnnnnnn"
[15:03] [AsG]Salty> I don't even have the game installed, I'm typing on a phone dickhead :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> bet u was a virgin before u met her
[15:03] Lovenji_OP> Ossur is still around
[15:03] [AsG]Salty> You're the one crapping on about joining your circlejerk
[15:04] Lucas> Also homophobic, xenophobic and classist
[15:04] JJaydenn_TSI> all i see is u none stop chatting shit lol
[15:04] [AsG]Salty> ýýýWas a virginýýý :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[15:04] [AsG]Salty> Coming from the one wanting to start a jerk fest
[15:04] [AsG]Salty> Call up all the boys left in pop
[15:04] Lucas> Come play some pops
[15:04] [AsG]Salty> Jayden wants to jack you off
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> lol ur a weirdo u how old r u like 30+
[15:05] Lucas> Where's Flame?
[15:05] [AsG]Salty> You said my age already kid
[15:05] Lucas> 30 is already old?
[15:05] [AsG]Salty> If you're in your teens and you can't remember what you said 5 mins ago I'd be fucking worried
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> id punch u stright into a carehome old man carefull
[15:05] Lucas> Thought old was like 80+ or something
[15:06] [AsG]Salty> :smiling_face_with_tear:
[15:06] merciless1> lmfao
[15:06] merciless1> big jjay
[15:06] [AsG]Salty> Shaking
[15:06] Lucas> Big boy Jay assaulting old men
[15:06] IncaWarrior> half the players here are over 30
[15:06] Lucas> And the other half?
[15:06] Meph> Jjay the new purple aki? Dayumn
[15:06] [AsG]Salty> How could I possibly retort to a child
[15:06] merciless1> gud thing im still 18
[15:06] merciless1> :monkamega:
[15:07] Lucas> Does popre still require you to be 13+ to sign up?
[15:07] [AsG]Salty> Apparently not
[15:07] [AsG]Godzilla out
[15:07] Lucas> Lol
[15:07] IncaWarrior> yes or have parental permission
[15:08] Meph> 1v1 anyone?
[15:08] [AsG]mentix> did jayden fake his permission?
[15:08] Lucas> They should send a signed up permission to your email Inca
[15:08] [AsG]Salty> Gayden, I'm so petty
[15:08] IncaWarrior> they do occaisionally
[15:08] [AsG]Salty> All these years
[15:08] [AsG]Salty> Isn't this a bit early in Massachusetts Inca?
[15:09] IncaWarrior> 10 am?
[15:09] Garbageman in
[15:09] Mammy_Tas in
[15:09] [AsG]Salty> I have no idea, had to stay up to watch the f1 race on the weekend
[15:09] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :Tree1:
[15:09] Meph> You are only 6 hours behind
[15:09] [AsG]Salty> Ah fuck it's midnight here
[15:09] Meph> Interesting
[15:09] [AsG]Salty> Nah I didn't notice the fucking time
[15:10] [AsG]Salty> No wonder I'm abusing children
[15:10] [AsG]Salty> It's kindergarten
[15:10] Meph> Now that escalated quickly
[15:10] [AsG]Salty> Yeah, was kinda my whole thing
[15:12] [AsG]Salty> How are you Inca
[15:12] [AsG]Salty> Been a long time
[15:12] IncaWarrior> I'm swell, still doing the same stuff
[15:13] [AsG]Salty> Development?
[15:13] IncaWarrior> How's AU?
[15:13] IncaWarrior> yup
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> dougs just w the game
[15:13] ScoobyDoo in
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> FUC KTHAT
[15:13] Dougs> wtf?
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[15:13] [AvA]Soma-> cmon
[15:13] Dougs> I was fighting green the whole game
[15:13] Dougs> ffs mix
[15:13] [AvA]Soma-> was not over
[15:13] [AsG]Salty> Moved away from Melbourne to the most remote place I could find - Tasmania
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> goi cyan
[15:13] Dougs> last time i ally you
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> i sayf
[15:13] Dougs> I was busy with green
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> i told u go cyan
[15:13] [AsG]Salty> Happily living in peace and quiet
[15:13] [AvA]Soma-> green was right choice
[15:13] webglitch28 in
[15:13] Dougs> I dont care
[15:13] Dougs> was busy
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> green was w bd
[15:13] [AvA]Soma-> but doug died many times
[15:13] Dougs> I'm not fucking allying you again mix
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> cyan alòways on me
[15:13] Dougs> cba with you
[15:13] [AvA]noobITA> ok noob
[15:14] [AvA]noobITA> get better
[15:14] webglitch28> Hi guys
[15:14] Dougs> lol
[15:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :popcorn:
[15:14] Dougs> You've quit because we bashed your host now you quit because i dont go where you tell me to?
[15:14] Dougs> :')
[15:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wp jammy, Tsu
[15:14] [AvA]noobITA> :lol:
[15:14] merciless1> dougs vs mix
[15:14] [AvA]noobITA> i lose clicks in hopst
[15:14] merciless1> gud match go
[15:14] jammy> gg wp all
[15:14] jammy> i need to train more on walls : |
[15:14] [AvA]Soma-> not over btw
[15:15] webglitch28> can i play with my friend and add bots?
[15:15] merciless1> yes web
[15:15] [AvA]noobITA> was it soma
[15:15] Mammy_Tas> yes you can
[15:15] Mammy_Tas> webglitch28
[15:15] webglitch28> i just go in host wait for him to join and then inside ?
[15:15] [AvA]noobITA out
[15:15] merciless1> u have to choose war of the gods mappack
[15:15] Mammy_Tas> yes you do need to play mappack war of the gods
[15:15] jammy> ig i lived coz tsu and toruk carried well
[15:15] Mammy_Tas> if you want the computers to play
[15:15] Dougs> lol pop was dead even when mix quit
[15:15] Saito_Vdm in
[15:15] merciless1> then set cpu players on
[15:15] [AvA]Soma-> mix look at pop graph
[15:15] [AvA]Soma-> was even
[15:15] [AsG]Salty> Oi doogs
[15:15] webglitch28> where can i setup that warofgod mappack
[15:16] webglitch28> this maps+mods?
[15:16] Dougs> Amazed that I got shit when i was in AvA for quitting but Mix quits all the time and not a word :')
[15:16] Dougs> Sup Salty
[15:16] merciless1> no
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> not a word?
[15:16] merciless1> inside the hut settings box
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> i told him it's not over
[15:16] merciless1> up there ^
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> was not over*
[15:16] Dougs> If I'd done that you'd be calling me a bitch :')
[15:16] [AsG]Salty> Anyone ever just said to you ýýýfucken dooogsýýý
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> i never call you bitch lol
[15:16] merciless1> where it says "mappack and level"
[15:16] Dougs> Something like that Salty yeah :')
[15:16] Dougs> you have done Soma lol
[15:16] Mammy_Tas> yes
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> mix quit was really lame
[15:16] Dougs> a fair while ago though
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> ecause wasn't over
[15:16] [AsG]Salty> Where are from anyway, you sound like my fucking neighbour
[15:16] [AsG]Salty> It's driving me mad
[15:17] Dougs> :')
[15:17] Dougs> UK
[15:17] webglitch28> im stupid hahahaa i dont see
[15:17] [AsG]Salty> And he lives 2 km away
[15:17] webglitch28> whewre
[15:17] webglitch28> i have settings on the right up
[15:17] webglitch28> and maps
[15:17] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[15:17] [AsG]Salty> Aye
[15:17] [AvA]Soma-> doug join
[15:17] webglitch28> +mods
[15:17] Mammy_Tas> hut settings mappack and level scroll down to W
[15:17] Mammy_Tas> war of the gods mappack
[15:17] webglitch28> where is hut settings im stupid hahahahahaha
[15:18] Saito_Vdm> who is a b?
[15:18] [AsG]Salty> Sho this is why I'm scared
[15:18] Dougs> where it says map pack and level webglitch
[15:18] webglitch28> okey
[15:18] Dougs> you can scroll down to pick war of the gods
[15:18] Dougs> then click computer players on once you get into game set up
[15:18] [AsG]Salty> Hut settings, might as well be playing on the mm lobby again
[15:18] merciless1> scared of wat
[15:18] Dougs> which is after you click launch from here
[15:18] Garbageman> walls?
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + ScoobyDoo vs. Saito_Vdm + Garbageman + Dougs
[15:18] merciless1> lol tf
[15:18] Dougs> Salty you should get pop on your mac again you sound like a right laugh to play with
[15:18] [AsG]Salty> Because I don't m kw what you fuckwits are talking about
[15:18] webglitch28> DID IT TY GUYS <3
[15:19] Dougs> lol nice one webglitch
[15:19] merciless1> its just a simple shit man why would u be scared of it roflmao
[15:19] merciless1> webglitch28: nice
[15:19] Dendix_9 in
[15:20] merciless1> webglitch28: now tell ur friend to join ur hut, wait for him to get ping then launch the game
[15:20] merciless1> set computer players to ON
[15:20] [AsG]Salty> Because I used to just say to someone ýýýoi fuck you 1v1ýýý
[15:20] webglitch28> how can i ping him?
[15:20] Aloxej in
[15:20] merciless1> then click start once ur friend is ready by pressing YES
[15:20] [AsG]Salty> That's my life
[15:21] webglitch28> okey he did join
[15:21] webglitch28> what now
[15:21] [AsG]Godzilla in
[15:21] merciless1> he needs to get ping, just wait
[15:21] webglitch28> i must be abble to host?
[15:21] merciless1> yeh that would help
[15:21] [AsG]Salty> There's a bit of life in this place obviously
[15:21] webglitch28> how can i do that
[15:21] [AsG]Salty> That's good
[15:21] merciless1> open port 7575 UDP in ur router settings
[15:22] merciless1> EA doesnt rule in here anymore
[15:22] merciless1> lol
[15:22] [AsG]Salty> Ea died a long time ago :grinning_face_with_sweat::grinning_face_with_sweat:
[15:22] Aloxej> on one hand good
[15:22] Aloxej> on other it would be nice if it would work without third party launcher or whatever this is
[15:23] [AsG]Salty> But I like the slagging off of ea
[15:23] webglitch28> should i be in game
[15:23] [AsG]Salty> Just blame ea mate
[15:23] Aloxej> first rule of the internet
[15:23] merciless1> oince ur friend gets ping the "launch" button should be enabled
[15:23] [AsG]Salty> They've destroyed populous, they're probably robbing your car
[15:23] merciless1> press it to get in game
[15:24] [AsG]Salty> Just send an angry email
[15:24] merciless1> his ping is still an X which means he cant conect to u
[15:24] [AsG]Salty> Subject line ýýýstop fucking up popýýý
[15:24] Aloxej> do i have to be plugged in cuz im on a wifi rn
[15:24] [AsG]Salty> Nah don't listen to Sho, just call up EA
[15:25] merciless1> wifi shouldnt be a problem
[15:25] [AsG]Salty> And say ýýýmy pops fuckedýýý
[15:25] merciless1> as long as u have ur ports forwarded
[15:25] merciless1> if u dont know how well maybe u should learn how to open port 7575 UDP in ur router
[15:26] merciless1> alternatively u can use minibot UK to paly agaisnt ur friend in a 1v1
[15:26] [AsG]Salty> Call up ea too
[15:26] merciless1> at leas tu cud paly lol
[15:26] [AsG]Salty> And say my port is fucked
[15:26] [AsG]Salty> And my pop is fucked
[15:26] merciless1> lol salty
[15:26] webglitch28> no host bots are available
[15:27] merciless1> join up here
[15:27] merciless1> dont join host spot
[15:27] merciless1> host
[15:27] webglitch28> what now
[15:27] [AsG]Salty> Thanks for letting me know about addi Sho
[15:27] Minibot_UK> merciless1: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[15:27] Minibot_UK> merciless1: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:27] merciless1> pp
[15:27] Aloxej> yesss
[15:27] webglitch28> should i join a game?
[15:27] merciless1> once u guys are in game just click where it says "NO"
[15:27] merciless1> to make it a YES
[15:28] merciless1> the minibot will launch automatically
[15:28] webglitch28> wait will it open automaticly?
[15:28] [AsG]Salty> Then call ea
[15:28] merciless1> u'll just play a game with ur friend
[15:28] [AsG]Salty> And say I clicked no and yes
[15:28] Meph in
[15:28] merciless1> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[15:28] [AsG]Salty> Sorry I'm not helping but its too enticing
Aloxej - MapPack: OK
webglitch28 - MapPack: OK
[15:28] [AsG]Salty> You're writing the jokes for me
[15:29] merciless1> spectator
[15:29] merciless1> soec
[15:29] merciless1> spec
[15:29] merciless1> launch
[15:29] Aloxej> how do we launch tho
[15:29] merciless1> fk it shud be workin
[15:30] Aloxej> do we need to open pop or will it just open
[15:30] merciless1> move up
[15:30] merciless1> here
[15:30] merciless1> ok now double click the minibot UK
[15:30] merciless1> n tell it "host"
[15:30] webglitch28> host
[15:30] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[15:30] Aloxej> host
[15:30] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:31] merciless1> no stay up
[15:31] merciless1> lmfao
[15:31] webglitch28> he told me to go in his
[15:31] merciless1> host
[15:31] Minibot_UK> merciless1: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[15:31] webglitch28> room
[15:31] Aloxej> bot said down lmao
[15:31] webglitch28> maps
[15:31] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[15:31] merciless1> reset
[15:31] Aloxej> we are listining to our ai saviors
[15:31] merciless1> host
[15:31] Minibot_UK> merciless1: There is already a host in your hut
[15:31] webglitch28> angels
[15:31] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[15:31] merciless1> come
[15:31] webglitch28> host
[15:31] merciless1> host
[15:31] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[15:31] Minibot_UK> merciless1: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[15:31] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:31] merciless1> yes
[15:32] merciless1> now tell it "go"
[15:32] webglitch28> go
Launching game...
[15:32] [AsG]Salty> My bedtime, nice to speak to you again Mentix and Inca
[15:32] webglitch28> launch
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Aloxej - MapPack: OK
webglitch28 - MapPack: OK
[15:32] [AsG]Salty> Peace and love cunts
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - webglitch28: Red - Aloxej: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[15:32] IncaWarrior> Night
Game successfully created in database.
[15:33] merciless1> well at leas tthey can play now
[15:33] webglitch28> ty
[15:33] webglitch28> did it
[15:33] merciless1> np enjoy
[15:34] Meph> fuck off already
Game successfully checked in.
[15:41] FreeInca in
[15:42] FreeInca in
[15:43] FreeInca out
[15:46] christo0972 in
[15:47] xtro in
Game results submitted.
[15:49] webglitch28 out
[15:49] webglitch28 in
[15:49] webglitch28> host
[15:49] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[15:49] Minibot_UK> Aloxej: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:49] webglitch28> unrank
[15:51] [AsG]Godzilla out
[15:51] webglitch28> maps
[15:51] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[15:51] webglitch28> is there any 1v1 bots
[15:51] webglitch28> 4way
[15:51] christo0972> nah
[15:52] webglitch28> so we cant play with bots?
[15:52] Dougs> well that was fun
[15:52] christo0972> yes
[15:52] Dougs> you can on the war of the gods map pack
[15:52] Dougs> but thats it really
[15:52] Mammy_Tas> :nice: game Scooby just paused and never came back :kekw:
[15:52] christo0972> try war of god map pack
[15:52] Dougs> apart from two vs ai but thats a test
[15:52] Dougs> lol
[15:52] Dougs> yeah
[15:52] webglitch28> what comamnd should i send to bots?
[15:52] christo0972> and open 8 spots
[15:52] webglitch28> scales
[15:52] cyborg> You got blood on your hands christo
[15:52] christo0972> to get 8 tribes
[15:52] Lucas in
[15:52] christo0972> ?what do u mean ?
[15:53] webglitch28> maps
[15:53] Aloxej> god damn we cant bully the bots
[15:53] christo0972> dt take mini bot
[15:53] [AvA]Soma-> map?
[15:53] webglitch28> helop
[15:53] Mammy_Tas> Minibot UK does not support war of the gods campaign. you need to host it yourself
[15:53] Minibot_UK> webglitch28: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:53] Dougs> idm
[15:53] christo0972> try 1.5 version in top center of the screen
[15:54] Mammy_Tas> if you cannot you need to port forwards to be able to host :o
[15:54] christo0972> u can select the version of the gameplay
[15:54] Dougs> 1.5 is what you want for war of the gods
[15:54] christo0972> now open more spots in your hut
[15:54] Dougs> fuck it want me to set it up for you webglitch?
[15:54] merciless1> mammy who ur center
[15:55] webglitch28> how can i add tribe
[15:55] Mammy_Tas> Dunno :shrug:
[15:55] christo0972> u have 4 at the moment
[15:55] Dougs> theres a + sign near the top
[15:55] Dougs> click that
[15:55] webglitch28> how can i open port
[15:55] webglitch28> what port wshould i open
[15:55] webglitch28> so i can host
[15:55] merciless1> u need to enter your router settings
[15:55] merciless1> go to wifi n set forward rules
[15:55] Aloxej> jesus christ why is this not made to be simple
[15:55] merciless1> then open port 7575 UDP
[15:56] merciless1> ikr Aloxej
[15:56] merciless1> but actually it is simple
[15:56] Aloxej> dude i mean i just turned on pc for the first time simple
[15:57] merciless1> ye man
[15:57] merciless1> i feel u
[15:57] merciless1> dis shit can be annoying
[15:57] merciless1> but its needed if u want to enjoy ur games lol
[15:57] merciless1> specially with frends
[15:57] Aloxej> we need to bully someone to remake pop
[15:57] xtro> merciless1 + FreeInca + Zpektrix_TAS vs. Lucas + Mammy_Tas + xtro
[15:57] merciless1> looooooool
[15:57] Aloxej> with working servers and shit
[15:57] Mammy_Tas> :no:
[15:57] merciless1> bully IncaWarrior
[15:57] webglitch28> port filtering
[15:57] merciless1> :thumbsup:
[15:57] webglitch28> and i put there
[15:57] webglitch28> 7575 UDP
[15:57] webglitch28> ?
[15:58] merciless1> you're in ur router settings already?
[15:58] webglitch28> yes
[15:58] webglitch28> im in port filtering
[15:58] webglitch28> or
[15:58] merciless1> can u send screenshot ?
[15:58] webglitch28> should i be in forwarding
[15:58] webglitch28> mooment
[15:58] Aloxej> devil works fast webglitch works faster but it never works
[15:58] xtro> i got 1 h
[15:58] cyborg> You got blood on your hands Alex ok
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS> can we go
[15:59] merciless1> xtro who ur center
[15:59] merciless1> mammy doesnt know
[15:59] xtro> Lucas center
[15:59] merciless1> Lol
[15:59] webglitch28> https://ibb.co/L0t3gmK
[15:59] merciless1> ok
[15:59] [D]Nightfury in
[15:59] webglitch28> merciless1 can u open it?
[16:00] merciless1> IncaWarrior: help this guy
[16:00] merciless1> IncaWarrior: do ur work tf
[16:00] merciless1> IncaWarrior is the administrator here
[16:00] merciless1> he can help u but hes mostly afk
[16:00] merciless1> brb
[16:00] Aloxej> am i gonna get banned if i call him lazy
[16:01] Aloxej> can i even get banned
[16:01] FreeInca> write the ip of your computer
[16:01] FreeInca> and you port 757575
[16:01] FreeInca> change tcp for udp
[16:01] merciless1> wait
[16:01] merciless1> go to wireless
[16:01] webglitch28> freelnca where to put that xD
[16:01] merciless1> show me that tab
[16:01] webglitch28> okey
[16:01] merciless1> im palyin a game tho
[16:02] merciless1> wait a lil pls
[16:02] FreeInca> Lol
[16:02] webglitch28> https://ibb.co/zNwBJn3
[16:02] webglitch28> no problem
[16:03] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[16:03] merciless1> go to network
[16:03] merciless1> then firewall
[16:03] merciless1> then port forwarding
[16:04] merciless1> select ur device n stuff there then save it
[16:04] merciless1> also set to open port 7575 UDP there
[16:04] merciless1> brb
[16:06] webglitch28> what is external ip adress
[16:12] FreeInca out
[16:13] FreeInca in
[16:13] mairaevelynmangino in
[16:13] Zpektrix_TAS> danny join
[16:13] webglitch28> ipv4 or ipv6
[16:13] webglitch28> i should create?
[16:14] mairaevelynmangino> i
[16:14] BrianK in
[16:14] FreeInca out
[16:14] mairaevelynmangino> brian
[16:14] Zpektrix_TAS> xtro join
[16:14] xtro> gonna to work
[16:14] RessurectioN_TAS> seec
[16:14] RessurectioN_TAS> reloging
[16:14] xtro> bbl
[16:14] RessurectioN_TAS out
[16:14] xtro out
[16:14] RessurectioN_TAS in
[16:14] merciless1> webglitch28: show me screenshot
[16:15] merciless1> did u go to network tab?
[16:15] RessurectioN_TAS> can Mammy host ?
[16:15] merciless1> idm
[16:15] webglitch28> moment
[16:15] Mammy_Tas> I dont wanna :(
[16:15] mairaevelynmangino> i
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i doubt he can ping me
[16:15] mairaevelynmangino> gringos
[16:15] merciless1> lemme see if i can help this guy
[16:15] merciless1> get some1 else meanwhile idm
[16:15] Mammy_Tas> X ping tsu
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[16:15] BrianK> QUE PASA PIRULO
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> you cant host me on vpn
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[16:16] Mammy_Tas> Well :/
[16:16] FreeInca in
[16:16] merciless1> no, go to nwetwork tab
[16:16] RessurectioN_TAS> Tsu host then ?
[16:16] merciless1> network *
[16:16] RessurectioN_TAS> :good:
[16:16] mairaevelynmangino> VAMOS A JUGAR
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> lolol
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> i need to play without vpn then
[16:16] RessurectioN_TAS> yes
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> are they gonna accept
[16:16] RessurectioN_TAS> i think you can give better ping for SA players
[16:16] merciless1> go to network, then firewall then port forwarding
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> not for lucas
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> he gets 300 ping
[16:17] RessurectioN_TAS> :monkas:
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> only looth has hope for ping 200
[16:17] Lucas> Not playing rn
[16:17] Lucas> So dw about me
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> so danny
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> lets see if kayin answers my dm
[16:17] FreeInca out
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> i think he is taking a shower
[16:17] Mammy_Tas> Asian game :) ?
[16:17] Lucas out
[16:17] RessurectioN_TAS> alritee
[16:17] RessurectioN_TAS> :clap:
[16:17] RessurectioN_TAS> thats a good idea
[16:18] FreeInca in
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> half muslim game
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> 75% asian game
[16:18] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[16:18] Mammy_Tas> :O
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> remove vpn
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> D
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> you have no star there
[16:21] Mammy_Tas> :D
[16:21] Kayin> ohh
[16:21] Kayin> sec
[16:21] Kayin out
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:22] washedUp_tsi out
[16:22] ScoobyDoo out
[16:22] christo0972> what do u say ?
[16:22] Kayin in
[16:22] christo0972> Soma the clever man
[16:22] [OP]pressive_clown in
[16:22] christo0972> do u have screenshoted the game
[16:22] Mammy_Tas> hi Babo :)
[16:23] Kayin> mammy rejoin
[16:23] christo0972> to see how many hut u had
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:23] Mammy_Tas out
[16:23] Dougs> well gg
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> christo
[16:23] Garbageman> you talked first
[16:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> No reason we should have lost that game
[16:23] Dougs> also expand christo
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> re you retard
[16:23] Dougs> we all did
[16:23] Garbageman> calling yourself a noob lmao
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> it's normal , big base has more hut than little base
[16:23] christo0972> XD 50 pop all the game XD
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> omg
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:23] Dougs> so expand christo
[16:23] Mammy_Tas in
[16:23] christo0972> i cant dude
[16:23] Dougs> What do you think everyone else did
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> he stole my land
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> and talk
[16:23] Dougs> why not?
[16:24] Dougs> Charge lbs
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:24] Dougs> and expand
[16:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> chrsito, some maps you have to expand yourself
[16:24] [GoD]spinnimini> Game ?
[16:24] webglitch28> local port and other should be 7575?
[16:24] webglitch28> what is external ip
[16:24] [AvA]Soma-> he stole my land and still talks
[16:24] Mammy_Tas> you see ping Kay?
[16:24] christo0972> i cant be frt with soma
[16:24] merciless1> idk
[16:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> frt?
[16:24] Kayin> nope
[16:24] christo0972> 1 and expand
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy
[16:24] merciless1> just find me your "port forwarding" tab
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> stay for a bit
[16:24] [AvA]Soma-> btw i thought cyan was toruk till 20 mins , so i helped more yellow
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> sometimes it gets x and ping
[16:25] Dougs> lol
[16:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> christo, I can't understand you when you abbreviate
[16:25] Mammy_Tas> all right I wont move my butt :>
[16:25] [AvA]Soma-> christo
[16:25] christo0972> ok
[16:25] [AvA]Soma-> listen and repeat
[16:25] Garbageman> you guys expect a spy to know better
[16:25] Dougs> Christo had the weakest def so i targeted him, then my team came in and did the rest of the damage
[16:25] merciless1> should be at network or wifi or firewall
[16:25] [AvA]Soma-> B I G BASES have more huts than LITTLE B A S E S
[16:25] Dougs> Gotta have more fws and towers
[16:25] Dougs> lol soma
[16:25] merciless1> yess
[16:25] merciless1> that one is
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> at least your ping is "?" there
[16:26] Kayin out
[16:26] Dougs> Also Garbageman you need more fws man, you had like 5 towers at front but none filled :')
[16:26] Garbageman> better than my ally i get eqd twice n he asks where my fws are
[16:26] Dougs> so toruk just walked in
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i really hope mamy gets exitlag xD
[16:26] Dougs> well you werent even training any
[16:26] merciless1> u already filled it all ?
[16:26] christo0972> btw last time i share my land with ppl
[16:26] Kayin in
[16:26] Garbageman> had 10 fws
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i can get a star from tomorrow or next monday
[16:26] Dougs> not nearly enough
[16:26] Dougs> I had 22 and was still training
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> he could have gotten ping 170-180 with me
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[16:26] SepulturaMb in
[16:27] Garbageman> oi had most defense in end
[16:27] RessurectioN_TAS> try change hut
[16:27] Garbageman> so its cool
[16:27] Dougs> Plus I asked where your fws were because i could see 5/6 empty towers :')
[16:27] merciless1> webglitch28: that one is, just fill it with ur device's ip or select ur device, then put port 7575 UDP and click apply
[16:27] merciless1> shold be enough
[16:27] Dougs> because I took most of the heat Garbageman :')
[16:27] Dougs> I had to keep rebuilding
[16:27] Garbageman> i got eqd all game too just rebuilt
[16:27] Dougs> You need to keep pumping out troops
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> btw
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> i changed isp yesterday
[16:27] Dougs> that's fine, but when i see you have no fws and you arent training any
[16:28] Dougs> I'm gonna ask whey
[16:28] Dougs> why*
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> danny gets ping 150-200 now i guess
[16:28] Dougs> Because fws are crucial
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> you also need exitlag for better ping
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[16:28] Saito_Vdm> fw are overrated
[16:28] Garbageman> i did play lazy though
[16:28] Dougs> Fws are crucial Saito
[16:28] Garbageman> knew once chrissto base got eqd it was kinda over
[16:28] Saito_Vdm> we need water warriors now
[16:28] RessurectioN_TAS> thats good news Tsu
[16:28] Dougs> lol Saito
[16:29] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lmao @ water warriors
[16:29] Mammy_Tas out
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> not getting ping ?
[16:29] Dougs> Just keep training fws Garbageman and you'll be fine, I never stop training troops
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:29] Garbageman> yea true
[16:29] Mammy_Tas in
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:29] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I ran out of fws at one point, I forget to check sometimes
[16:29] Dougs> yeah happened to me before, but whenever I have idle braves I either train them or make them build
[16:30] Dougs> And once they run out I start taking from huts
[16:30] Saito_Vdm> i son times let braves chill
[16:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> usually yes, but this time I thought I had enough. Didn't think to check until I was being attacked. By then it's too late
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy got ping ?
[16:30] Dougs> yeah hard to make sure you always have enough
[16:30] Saito_Vdm> so they dont feel as slaves
[16:30] RessurectioN_TAS> its "x"
[16:30] Mammy_Tas> nope
[16:30] Mammy_Tas> keeps going to X
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS> lets see
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> 216 :D
[16:31] Zpektrix_TAS> ah ye i give pings
[16:31] Zpektrix_TAS> you got 286 mammy
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> :nice:
[16:31] Zpektrix_TAS> i will get a star but ping wont change
[16:31] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> I am preacher at best
[16:31] Zpektrix_TAS> get exitlag for better hostsing xDDD
[16:31] webglitch28 out
[16:31] Unpredictable> 3 v 3 tsu and phellows
[16:32] webglitch28 in
[16:32] Unpredictable> insta 3 v 3
[16:32] webglitch28 out
[16:32] webglitch28 in
[16:34] Unpredictable> they must not like u sho
[16:34] Unpredictable> :wow:
[16:35] FreeInca out
[16:36] FreeInca in
[16:36] webglitch28 out
[16:37] merciless1> ? i told them to go
[16:37] merciless1> u idiot lol
[16:37] webglitch28 in
[16:39] Garbageman out
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini in
[16:40] webglitch28 out
[16:41] webglitch28 in
[16:41] merciless1> try rebooting ur router after saving ur configuration
[16:41] merciless1> just in case
[16:42] webglitch28> ty guys wont work nvrm will try tomorrow
[16:42] webglitch28> bb
[16:42] webglitch28> <3
[16:42] webglitch28 out
[16:42] Aloxej out
[16:44] Plan3tFall out
[16:44] Unpredictable> merciless1> ? i told them to go
[16:44] Unpredictable> u did what
[16:44] Unpredictable> :kekwait:
[16:44] Plan3tFall in
[16:44] Unpredictable> i told ur mum to go this morning
[16:44] Unpredictable> :nice:
[16:45] Unpredictable> spin 2 v 2?
[16:45] Unpredictable> ressurection
[16:45] Unpredictable> get in
[16:45] RessurectioN_TAS> Ping: 397 ± 13
[16:46] [GoD]spinnimini> 3v3 4v4
[16:46] merciless1> are u matt
[16:46] merciless1> mom jokes lately
[16:46] Unpredictable> we get better host
[16:46] [GoD]spinnimini> I call ice
[16:46] Unpredictable> spin host
[16:46] Unpredictable> i go ring mentix doorbell
[16:46] Unpredictable> :nice:
[16:47] Kayin> gg
[16:47] merciless1> doorballs
[16:47] Mammy_Tas> gg
[16:47] Mammy_Tas> again how am I suppose to reduse exit lag?
[16:47] RessurectioN_TAS out
[16:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:47] Mammy_Tas> I have no idea where to start :kekw: ?
[16:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:47] RessurectioN_TAS in
[16:48] Unpredictable> dayumn whats exit lag?
[16:48] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:48] Mammy_Tas> ask tsu
[16:48] Unpredictable> lag when u exit hut
[16:48] Unpredictable> i bet
[16:48] Mammy_Tas> I have no idea :>
[16:48] JJaydenn_TSI> yoo
[16:48] Unpredictable> big jjay
[16:48] merciless1> big jajy punching the 3rd age straight into carehome
[16:48] Unpredictable> jjayden can u host
[16:49] Unpredictable> resurrection ping nearly 400
[16:49] Unpredictable> with mine
[16:49] [GoD]spinnimini> k i
[16:49] RessurectioN_TAS> get Mammy
[16:49] [GoD]spinnimini> walls warm up ?
[16:49] RessurectioN_TAS> or Kayin
[16:49] [AsG]MentiX> StreM
[16:49] Unpredictable> yes mentix
[16:49] [GoD]spinnimini> join
[16:49] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[16:49] merciless1> XtreMe StreM
[16:49] [AsG]MentiX> Cooking
[16:50] [GoD]spinnimini> you can cook on the back base on walls too
[16:50] [GoD]spinnimini> no1 attacking u anyway
[16:50] [AsG]MentiX> U got a point
[16:50] merciless1> unless trod is on the opposite team
[16:50] merciless1> 2 min bd
[16:50] Unpredictable> :nice:
[16:50] Mammy_Tas> Ill join later
[16:50] merciless1> with 3 warrs n half a eq
[16:50] Mammy_Tas> gtg eat :)
[16:50] merciless1> how pro
[16:50] Unpredictable> shogun dont make troops untill 200 pop
[16:51] merciless1> if ur my ally ye
[16:51] merciless1> cos ur the invincible trod
[16:51] Unpredictable> must be true
[16:51] merciless1> never fails bd
[16:51] Unpredictable> if u says o
[16:53] [GoD]spinnimini> 95% he doesnt fail
[16:53] merciless1> fuk did u smoke to say taht spin
[16:53] Kayin out
[16:53] merciless1> u mean -95%
[16:54] Unpredictable> 5% OF TIMES I ALLY SHO
[16:54] Unpredictable> woopsie caps
[16:55] [SW]Diablo in
[16:58] JJaydenn_TSI out
[16:58] [AsG]MentiX> Already started eating and no stream on yet
[16:58] Unpredictable> spin hasnt started
[16:58] Unpredictable> spin go 3 v 3
[16:58] [GoD]spinnimini> okay
[16:58] [GoD]spinnimini> 3v3
[16:58] Unpredictable> full random
[16:59] [GoD]spinnimini> unfair teams gg
[16:59] [GoD]spinnimini> lets 4v4
[16:59] Unpredictable> hows so
[16:59] merciless1> lmfao
[16:59] [GoD]spinnimini> loool
[16:59] [AsG]MentiX> 3v3 go
[16:59] Unpredictable> i think ur team has a tiny chance too spin
[16:59] Zpektrix_TAS> swap freeinca and dendix then
[16:59] [AsG]MentiX> Ye spin i gave u so good teams yesterday that I turned into fw
[16:59] merciless1> "okay 3v3· *3 doritos later* "nvm unfair teams go 4v4* :lmao:
[17:00] Unpredictable> guys got 50% chance shogun
[17:00] Unpredictable> guy couldnt take it
[17:00] Zpektrix_TAS> you did the same when you had the same situation trod
[17:01] Meph out
[17:01] Unpredictable> like what situation and when
[17:01] merciless1> fukin meph leavin instead of joining
[17:01] merciless1> fuck u meph!
[17:01] merciless1> :fu:
[17:01] Unpredictable> meph saw shogun and insta :peepoleave:
[17:01] Unpredictable> :poof:
[17:01] merciless1> baaaka
[17:01] [GoD]spinnimini> +2
[17:02] [SW]Diablo out
[17:02] merciless1> me spin tsu
[17:02] merciless1> lets just paly man
[17:03] merciless1> idm any teams
[17:04] [GoD]spinnimini> ok
[17:04] Unpredictable> i agree to those teams
[17:04] [GoD]spinnimini> thats fine
[17:04] [GoD]spinnimini> me sho tsu?
[17:04] Unpredictable> yes go
[17:04] Unpredictable> make me back base
[17:04] merciless1> big sho savin the day man
[17:04] merciless1> thank me later ye nerds
[17:04] merciless1> gimme money or sumthin
[17:04] merciless1> :donate:
[17:04] [GoD]spinnimini> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[17:04] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[17:05] [GoD]spinnimini> @all
[17:05] [GoD]spinnimini> STREAM
[17:05] washedUp_tsi in
[17:05] [GoD]spinnimini> discord
[17:05] [GoD]spinnimini> ice
[17:05] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[17:06] Unpredictable> spin stream as host to lag me
[17:06] Unpredictable> wow
[17:06] washedUp_tsi> dang
[17:06] [GoD]spinnimini> yeee
[17:06] [GoD]spinnimini> u host
[17:07] [AsG]MentiX> Stream must go on
[17:07] [AsG]MentiX> Cannot turn it off because of a lil lag
[17:07] merciless1> spin
[17:07] merciless1> he cud change it
[17:07] merciless1> ingame
[17:07] merciless1> no need to leave
[17:07] washedUp_tsi> mentix your presence is requested
[17:07] Unpredictable> u guys a retards
[17:07] Unpredictable> why leave
[17:07] [GoD]spinnimini> discord
[17:07] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[17:08] Unpredictable> its same positions
[17:08] [AsG]MentiX> Eating
[17:08] [GoD]spinnimini> true forgot
[17:08] [GoD]spinnimini> sorry
[17:08] [GoD]spinnimini> you can eat and talk
[17:08] [GoD]spinnimini> eric
[17:08] [AsG]MentiX> But can go there anyways
[17:08] Meph> Game?
[17:11] Meph in
[17:12] BrianK out
[17:12] mairaevelynmangino out
[17:14] Saito_Vdm> I am a bitch on heat
[17:14] Saito_Vdm> reset
[17:14] Saito_Vdm> clear
[17:14] Minibot_UK> Saito_Vdm: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[17:14] christo0972> sry i did crazy bad after sync
[17:14] Saito_Vdm out
[17:14] [AvA]Soma-> was good
[17:15] [AvA]Soma-> you played well
[17:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wow, 32 shaman kills christo
[17:15] Icefire in
[17:15] power_OP> any games?
[17:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no power
[17:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> go back to bed
[17:16] power_OP> its 7 pm here Toruk
[17:16] power_OP> but ty
[17:16] christo0972> but i played it crazy bad not enough troops
[17:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> oh, then go clubbing :P
[17:16] power_OP> lol
[17:16] christo0972> lol
[17:17] power_OP> will be there anyway
[17:20] Icefire out
[17:23] cyborg> You got blood on your hands Toruk
[17:26] Icefire in
[17:28] Plan3tFall out
[17:29] FreeInca> gg
[17:29] merciless1> this guy doesnt make troops
[17:29] merciless1> doesnt expand us
[17:29] Meph> imagine backdooring and stopping at last lb
[17:29] merciless1> doesnt do damage
[17:29] Meph> only for your enemy to connect
[17:29] merciless1> just wha tin the fuck are you doing !?!?!ç
[17:29] Unpredictable> gg
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> you did nothing in the beginning
[17:29] [GoD]spinnimini out
[17:29] Meph> and having a highway into your base
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe you were getting a volc or something
[17:29] Meph> lol.
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> stop trolling
[17:29] merciless1> imagine 3v1ing form start meph
[17:29] merciless1> lmfao
[17:29] [GoD]spinnimini in
[17:29] merciless1> i had to go front cos 9999 troiops n shamns n fses there
[17:29] merciless1> had no choice
[17:29] merciless1> tsu is worthless
[17:29] [GoD]spinnimini> lmfao
[17:29] [GoD]spinnimini> i knew that would come
[17:29] Unpredictable> loved how shogun stood still and let me walk in tsu base early game
[17:29] Power_OP in
[17:30] [AsG]mentix> rofl yea
[17:30] Unpredictable> and then said"who blasted him inä"
[17:30] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:30] [AsG]mentix> me and ice were rofling
[17:30] [GoD]spinnimini> LOL
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> sho's shaman was patrolling in front
[17:30] merciless1> idiot i was handling 9999 attacks form start
[17:30] merciless1> didnt even had time to biuld
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> and did nothing in the beginning
[17:30] Power_OP> empty spot?
[17:30] merciless1> ofc i went to build
[17:30] merciless1> my team didnt make troops
[17:30] merciless1> lmfao
[17:30] merciless1> i was only one trying to keep mid
[17:30] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + [GoD]spinnimini + Zpektrix_TAS + Power_OP vs. Meph + Dendix_9 + merciless1 + FreeInca
[17:30] Unpredictable> best ok?
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> fine go
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> at least sho is happy now
[17:30] Unpredictable> meph?
[17:30] Meph> swap power and hso
[17:30] Meph> *sho
[17:30] merciless1> hope i get a team who doesnt let me alone at everything
[17:31] Unpredictable> ahh
[17:31] Unpredictable> lol
[17:31] Unpredictable> well ok
[17:31] Unpredictable> who goes bigs?=
[17:31] Unpredictable> and what bases?
[17:31] Power_OP> dendix
[17:31] merciless1> rod casting 100 fses n eqs
[17:31] Power_OP> you or me?
[17:31] merciless1> while tsu was doing..... waht ?
[17:31] Saito_Vdm in
[17:31] Unpredictable> sry had insane pop
[17:31] merciless1> we couldnt keep the pressure at all
[17:31] Unpredictable> couldnt resist
[17:31] Power_OP> well i can be big
[17:31] Unpredictable> meph whos big withn u
[17:31] Power_OP> idk
[17:31] Unpredictable> and what base u wanmty
[17:32] Power_OP> denidx looks better
[17:32] Meph> power and me big
[17:32] Meph> power what base do you want?
[17:32] jammy out
[17:32] Power_OP> i am better with yellow
[17:32] Power_OP> than red
[17:32] Meph> me green then
[17:32] jammy in
[17:32] Unpredictable> k
[17:32] Power_OP> than green *
[17:32] Meph> dendix power's small
[17:32] Meph> freeinca mine
[17:32] Unpredictable> spots ok?
[17:33] Meph> sure
[17:33] Meph> let's go
[17:33] Unpredictable> i put washing machine on brb 30 sec
[17:33] Meph> Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo
[17:33] [AsG]mentix> should have a fastest rotator competition
[17:33] Power_OP> nice one
[17:33] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + [GoD]spinnimini + Zpektrix_TAS + Power_OP vs. Meph + Dendix_9 + merciless1 + FreeInca
[17:33] Power_OP> trod is master
[17:33] Power_OP> cant be beaten
[17:33] [AsG]mentix> id be warrior rank
[17:33] Power_OP> he was hosting 8p since there is a 8p
[17:34] Power_OP> wouldnt it be better if i faced rod and you faced spin not sure
[17:35] Power_OP> lets see
[17:35] Unpredictable> kk
[17:35] Unpredictable> spin
[17:35] Unpredictable> meph asked to trade power to shogun
[17:35] Unpredictable> so we took shogun
[17:35] Unpredictable> power is their team
[17:36] [GoD]spinnimini> k thwen shogun
[17:36] [GoD]spinnimini> behind me
[17:36] [GoD]spinnimini> pls
[17:36] Unpredictable> as u wish
[17:37] [GoD]spinnimini> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:42] Saito_Vdm out
[17:49] Plan3tFall in
[18:01] [D]PeepoClown in
[18:08] Warios_2 in
[18:16] Dougs out
[18:22] Lucas in
[18:25] merciless1 out
[18:26] merciless1 in
[18:27] Lucas out
[18:27] jammy out
[18:27] bockwurstlaune in
[18:27] jammy in
[18:27] bockwurstlaune out
[18:27] Lucas in
[18:28] [GoD]spinnimini out
[18:29] merciless1> we had that
[18:29] Power_OP> gg wp
[18:29] Meph> ggwp!
[18:29] [AsG]mentix> why did tsu surrender lol
[18:29] Power_OP> well played meph
[18:29] Power_OP> and dendix nice job
[18:30] Meph> if mentix playing, let him host pls
[18:30] Power_OP> i think we hold spin good
[18:30] merciless1> and the moment i was gonna erase meph's base tsu comes and fses my shaman
[18:30] Zpektrix_TAS> you didnt answer any
[18:30] merciless1> his timing couldnt be more atrocious
[18:30] Power_OP> sorry for doubles meph
[18:30] Zpektrix_TAS> if we were playing or not
[18:30] Power_OP> we tried
[18:30] Unpredictable> u can host it meph
[18:30] merciless1> mephs a fag
[18:30] merciless1> gotta say it
[18:30] merciless1> guy knows we had that
[18:30] merciless1> and still didnt want to ally up
[18:31] merciless1> joke of a guy
[18:31] Power_OP> man meph had full base
[18:31] Meph> how did you have it?
[18:31] Zpektrix_TAS> at least me and trod handled their triple as well
[18:31] Meph> me and freeinca with full base
[18:31] Meph> your base getting trooped
[18:31] Power_OP> ye
[18:31] Meph> spin no base
[18:31] aravinth> spin had to go for 30mins
[18:31] merciless1> "spin on base"
[18:31] Zpektrix_TAS> wp trod
[18:31] aravinth> wa splaying with half a brain :kek:
[18:31] merciless1> this guy must be blind
[18:31] Meph> he abandoned his base
[18:31] Meph> so he cant train troops
[18:31] Sherminator in
[18:31] Meph> and he had like 5 huts?
[18:31] merciless1> u shold've allieed up and u know it
[18:31] Zpektrix_TAS> i also stoppped meph's shaman till 35mins over
[18:31] Meph> no
[18:31] merciless1> ur lucky tsu fsed me shaman man
[18:31] Unpredictable> think u abandoned whole base too easily tsu
[18:31] Unpredictable> needed some troops
[18:31] Meph> that's why i didn't
[18:31] merciless1> ur base should be long gone
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> i had troops for mid
[18:32] ClownParty in
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> it was too far
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> plus meph's shaman got in my base
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> he would volc me anyway
[18:32] Meph> yeah good running from tsu
[18:32] Unpredictable> i cant hold my base if u abandon ur base like that
[18:32] Meph> else i would have gotten his whole pop
[18:32] Meph> but that's how he opened up for trod getting volced
[18:32] Power_OP> i saw meph used volc but guess didnt went at first time?
[18:32] Dendix_9 out
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> your shaman was attacking
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> even meph was in my base
[18:32] Meph> wanted to use it in sho's base
[18:32] Warios_2 out
[18:32] Meph> but didn't get it off
[18:32] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + merciless1 + Unpredictable + Meph vs. [D]PeepoClown + aravinth + Zpektrix_TAS + Power_OP
[18:32] Power_OP> ohh
[18:33] Unpredictable> it was late game tho needed troops
[18:33] Zpektrix_TAS> we all know that
[18:33] Meph> me small mentix
[18:33] Power_OP> nice 4 shamans to blancae
[18:33] Unpredictable> people were bit manaless
[18:33] Meph> you guys got this
[18:33] Zpektrix_TAS> and we didnt have them in time
[18:33] [AsG]mentix> small where
[18:34] Meph> idc
[18:34] Meph> wherever
[18:34] Meph> just small
[18:34] [AsG]mentix> ok
[18:34] aravinth> will have to pause 20sec for pizza
[18:34] [AsG]mentix> ul be my small
[18:34] Unpredictable> gonna shove it thro ur throat in 20 sec
[18:35] bockwurstlaune in
[18:35] [AsG]MentiX> lol
[18:35] Unpredictable> sup mentix
[18:35] Unpredictable> and ice
[18:35] [AsG]mentix> turn your mic on ffs
[18:35] aravinth> for dad
[18:35] bockwurstlaune out
[18:36] Lucas out
[18:37] aravinth> twitch.tv/poptb_aravinth
[18:39] christo0972 out
[18:44] christo0972 in
[18:48] Brandym0n in
[18:49] RessurectioN_TAS in
[18:50] RessurectioN_TAS out
[18:54] Sherminator out
[18:55] [AsG]Godzilla in
[18:58] Brandym0n out
[19:02] Trog_OP in
[19:06] bockwurstlaune in
[19:07] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[19:08] Trog_OP> hi :mammy: :)
[19:09] bockwurstlaune> mammy <3
[19:09] Zpektrix_TAS> we were both dying in shaman duels
[19:09] Power_OP> well played nici our side was fine i gues
[19:09] Unpredictable> gg
[19:09] [D]PeepoClown> "dying to s clicks"
[19:09] [D]PeepoClown> then dont walk in range
[19:10] Unpredictable> ye my heating missiles
[19:10] [D]PeepoClown> like im ever going to complain dying to s clicks when I keep walking in range ??
[19:10] Unpredictable> hit well
[19:10] Zpektrix_TAS> meph was also coming here nici
[19:10] Zpektrix_TAS> power should have gotten mid
[19:10] [D]PeepoClown> wow !
[19:10] bockwurstlaune> niggikowski
[19:10] [D]PeepoClown> ,meph was just trying to scare
[19:10] [D]PeepoClown> just so you can add him to that now
[19:10] Power_OP> lol though you doing 2v2 mentix so i didnt join
[19:11] Power_OP> hey Mammy
[19:11] Mammy_Tas> hi :)
[19:11] Power_OP> who were red nad black?
[19:11] Power_OP> i mean
[19:11] Power_OP> trod and?
[19:12] [OP]pressive_clown> shogun was red
[19:12] [OP]pressive_clown> guy was mvp
[19:12] Power_OP> ohh
[19:12] [OP]pressive_clown> :clap:
[19:12] Power_OP> wanna 1v1 Mammy?
[19:12] Power_OP> sup babo
[19:13] merciless1> man really rod
[19:13] merciless1> lmfao
[19:13] Zpektrix_TAS> i didnt mind doing the same side
[19:13] [AsG]mentix> tell me colors
[19:13] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + Meph + Unpredictable + merciless1 vs. [D]PeepoClown + aravinth + Zpektrix_TAS + [D]Nightfury
[19:13] aravinth> make me blue cba with red
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> ara blue
[19:14] [D]PeepoClown> that was worse than bayern 8 barca 2
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> not me
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:14] [D]PeepoClown> just fyi
[19:14] Power_OP> lol
[19:14] aravinth> flukes happen
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> [03:13] aravinth> make me blue cba with red
[19:14] Power_OP> it that 3 am tsu
[19:14] Unpredictable> i can be small base too if wantr
[19:14] aravinth> wow it's late
[19:14] [AsG]mentix> i set your team tell me if you wanna make positional changes
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont have much work anyway
[19:15] Power_OP> i understand
[19:15] aravinth> working from home?
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[19:15] [D]PeepoClown> seems ok
[19:15] [AsG]mentix> ok no suggestions
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> remote work since 2020
[19:15] aravinth> nice
[19:15] Power_OP> any of you guys wannna 1v1 ?
[19:16] Power_OP> can try 2v2 as well
[19:16] Power_OP> mammy ice come
[19:16] Power_OP> or host there bock
[19:17] bockwurstlaune> im not sure if i can play right now
[19:17] bockwurstlaune> i will check it up
[19:17] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy: power
[19:17] Power_OP> oh ok
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> let ice host it
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[19:18] Power_OP> think you would give much more better ping
[19:18] Power_OP> s
[19:18] bockwurstlaune> sry guys
[19:18] Mammy_Tas> ice join :)
[19:19] bockwurstlaune> cant play g2g in a few mins
[19:19] bockwurstlaune> hf enjoy the game
[19:19] Power_OP> ok bock
[19:19] Trog_OP> User: RessurectioN_TAS
[19:19] Power_OP> see you later
[19:19] Mammy_Tas> map :) ?
[19:19] Trog_OP> Ping: 2 ± 5
[19:19] Power_OP> pp?
[19:19] Trog_OP> :topkek:
[19:19] Power_OP> Hey Bianca
[19:19] Trog_OP> hi power
[19:19] bockwurstlaune out
[19:19] Mammy_Tas> Sure
[19:19] Mammy_Tas> all oki with pp?
[19:19] Trog_OP> ye ill spec :good:
[19:19] RessurectioN_TAS> behind u :bian: :pepehide:
[19:19] Trog_OP> LOL
[19:20] washedUp_tsi> need energy
[19:20] washedUp_tsi> fuck
[19:20] RessurectioN_TAS> :stab:
[19:20] Trog_OP> :monkastab:
[19:21] RessurectioN_TAS> :nice:
[19:21] Mammy_Tas> sorry launching to soon xD
[19:21] Power_OP> lol
[19:21] Mammy_Tas> I did not rotate
[19:21] Mammy_Tas> was my bad.
[19:22] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[19:25] RessurectioN_TAS in
[19:28] [Rw]Carycyn in
[19:29] RessurectioN_TAS out
[19:31] [AsG]Godzilla out
[19:39] ClownParty out
[19:39] ClownParty in
[19:42] xtro in
[19:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[19:46] TheRedPanda98 in
[19:46] xtro out
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> this time it's not ours
[19:50] Zpektrix_TAS> our ally didnt help us much
[19:50] [Rw]Carycyn out
[19:50] [Rw]Carycyn in
[19:50] [D]PeepoClown> where are my allies
[19:50] Meph> ggwp
[19:50] Zpektrix_TAS> lol nici
[19:50] [AsG]mentix> dno man
[19:50] merciless1> ggwp
[19:50] [D]PeepoClown> absolutely stacked af
[19:50] Zpektrix_TAS> you let ara getting tripled
[19:50] [OP]pressive_clown> allies were getting rekt by shogun
[19:50] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[19:50] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[19:50] Unpredictable> ur allies were strugling of their existance nici
[19:51] [D]PeepoClown> ara and tsu cant play together
[19:51] aravinth> no we can't but stil lthis time
[19:51] aravinth> :kek:
[19:51] aravinth> I canno't take blame alone
[19:51] Unpredictable> gg
[19:51] Zpektrix_TAS> 9/12 kd here
[19:51] Zpektrix_TAS> look at xica
[19:51] aravinth> tsu did good
[19:51] [D]PeepoClown> delax goes mid when a shaman's at front
[19:51] [D]Nightfury> wp shogun :delax: :fish:
[19:51] [D]PeepoClown> for free base
[19:51] Zpektrix_TAS> 4/11 kd
[19:51] aravinth> after even helped with towers
[19:51] [D]PeepoClown> that's about the worst ive seen
[19:51] [D]PeepoClown> ever
[19:51] Zpektrix_TAS> delax is not listening these days
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah aravinth
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> we still had a chance
[19:52] [D]PeepoClown> dont tell him to get mid
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> if they did something
[19:52] [D]PeepoClown> he needs to listen to me
[19:52] [D]PeepoClown> not u
[19:52] xtro in
[19:52] [D]Nightfury> i am listening too much
[19:52] [D]Nightfury> next time i'll play my game :joy:
[19:52] [D]PeepoClown> ur timings aren't good tsu
[19:52] [D]PeepoClown> it's factual
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> aravinth was getting doubled - tripled
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> for first 15mins
[19:52] aravinth> dang it's teh same team again
[19:52] Zpektrix_TAS> you guys could do something
[19:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i also tried to kill shamans with small 120 pop base
[19:53] Meph> [AsG]mentix + Meph + Unpredictable + [D]Nightfury vs. aravinth + [D]PeepoClown + Zpektrix_TAS + FreeInca
[19:53] Zpektrix_TAS> sho had 170 pop base
[19:53] [AsG]mentix> poor nici
[19:53] Zpektrix_TAS> ofc he could do everything
[19:53] aravinth> gimme freeinca
[19:54] Meph> make me small
[19:54] aravinth> it's true me and tsu bad synergy
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> nah
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> i will build towers more for you then
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> i thought you would do that micro monster clicks
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems you were busy
[19:54] [D]PeepoClown> i dont get
[19:54] [AsG]mentix> meph u get big
[19:54] [D]PeepoClown> why isn'«t small base already building towers
[19:54] [D]PeepoClown> so muich time to do stuff
[19:54] [D]PeepoClown> and is just sitting
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> fine
[19:55] [D]PeepoClown> thats about the most logical shit ever
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> i will build towers non stop
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> with harvesting on
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> dont blame
[19:55] aravinth> freeinca
[19:55] aravinth> deja vu :nice:
[19:55] Meph> should have made delax big
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> when i did that with jayden
[19:55] [AsG]mentix> really
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> he eqed my base
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:55] aravinth> yeah make delax big
[19:55] [AsG]mentix> ok
[19:55] aravinth> cause he needs lb
[19:56] aravinth> delax you want green or yell
[19:56] aravinth> wait not in our team :kek:
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> lololol
[19:56] Meph> lol
[19:56] xtro> hey Bianca
[19:56] Meph> this guy
[19:56] [AsG]mentix> cant launch
[19:56] [AsG]mentix> its stuck
[19:56] aravinth> gotta rejoin
[19:56] Meph> rejoin host spot
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> trod will bd this time
[19:56] [AsG]mentix> fuck gotta rotate then
[19:56] aravinth> get colors
[19:56] [AsG]mentix out
[19:56] [AsG]mentix in
[19:57] [AsG]mentix> nici no ping because hes still launching old game i think
[19:57] Meph> bro is stuck in the past
[19:57] Meph> let's get him back to the future
[19:58] xtro> or kick
[19:58] xtro> :D
[19:58] [AsG]mentix> nici rejoin
[19:58] aravinth> lol
[19:59] Unpredictable> kk ready to roll
[19:59] [AsG]mentix> brb
[20:00] merciless1 out
[20:00] merciless1 in
[20:01] Trog_OP> [20:56] xtro> hey Bianca
[20:02] Trog_OP> hi xtro
[20:05] Robskalot in
[20:05] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[20:08] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:10] [OP]fer in
[20:11] RessurectioN_TAS> dunno if it was allowed to do that strat
[20:11] RessurectioN_TAS> building on enemies base
[20:11] RessurectioN_TAS> was late to realize it
[20:11] Power_OP> didnt know u cant do that
[20:11] [OP]fer out
[20:11] washedUp_tsi> xD
[20:11] Power_OP> i always do
[20:11] [OP]fer in
[20:11] Power_OP> ur one attack downed me 140 to 70
[20:11] Power_OP> was fine
[20:12] Power_OP> my counter attack i died to a fw
[20:12] RessurectioN_TAS out
[20:12] Power_OP> ice carried tho
[20:12] Power_OP> wp of him
[20:12] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:13] Power_OP> didnt know ice had that pop
[20:13] Power_OP> wow
[20:13] washedUp_tsi> lol yeah
[20:13] RessurectioN_TAS> shouldve finished Ice
[20:13] Nah_Id_Win in
[20:13] RessurectioN_TAS> didnt know if you went that low
[20:13] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[20:13] washedUp_tsi> impossible
[20:13] RessurectioN_TAS> 30
[20:13] Nah_Id_Win out
[20:14] Power_OP> maybe youshould have had more troops ice
[20:14] Power_OP> 11fw and 20 wars idk
[20:14] RessurectioN_TAS> he did
[20:14] Power_OP> i generaly have 30 40 when have 190 pop
[20:14] Power_OP> ye maybe died too much
[20:14] Power_OP> he sent me etc
[20:14] washedUp_tsi> Yeah i should have had more
[20:17] Power_OP> testing ice
[20:17] Power_OP> sorry
[20:17] RessurectioN_TAS> here Ice
[20:17] RessurectioN_TAS> Mammy will join soon
[20:17] Power_OP> wanna rematch ?
[20:18] Power_OP out
[20:18] Power_OP in
[20:18] Power_OP> pm when need
[20:18] Power_OP> i will test something
[20:18] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[20:18] Power_OP> now playing christo
[20:20] [AvA]noobITA in
[20:20] [AvA]noobITA out
[20:24] Mammy_Tas> so let's do craters :ohyes: :heheboi: ?
[20:24] RessurectioN_TAS> sure
[20:24] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[20:25] Mammy_Tas> :kekw:
[20:25] RessurectioN_TAS> craters or fo
[20:25] Mammy_Tas> face off shit map :kekw:
[20:25] RessurectioN_TAS> loool
[20:25] RessurectioN_TAS> you still hate it
[20:25] Mammy_Tas> I am glad it is not played anymore <3
[20:25] Mammy_Tas> good riddance
[20:26] Power_OP> lets go
[20:26] Power_OP> face ooff is worst
[20:26] Power_OP> ye
[20:28] [OP]fer> its so frustrating to spectate tsuyoshi
[20:29] [OP]fer> guy is camping with his shaman with full spells
[20:29] [OP]fer> https://prnt.sc/2wddyKRloher
[20:29] [OP]fer> loooool
[20:30] adray_tsi in
[20:30] [AvA]noobITA in
[20:31] [Rw]Carycyn out
[20:31] [AvA]noobITA out
[20:31] christo0972> im eating
[20:31] christo0972> play together mortal ends
[20:31] christo0972> its crazy hard to beat that map in war of gods
[20:32] christo0972> mappack
[20:33] TheRedPanda98 out
[20:34] [OP]fer> nici :lmao:
[20:34] [Rw]Carycyn in
[20:34] [OP]fer> tsu letting his ally base die to get 1 flatten expand :lmao:
[20:35] Unpredictable> gg
[20:36] Zpektrix_TAS> you could cast those spells on orange
[20:36] [OP]fer> https://prnt.sc/2wddyKRloher
[20:36] Unpredictable> dayumn nici doubling so hard
[20:36] FreeInca> all time in game (i camp)
[20:36] Unpredictable> smart free inca
[20:36] Unpredictable> theres no defending my bd without camp
[20:36] Unpredictable> :nice:
[20:36] FreeInca> they are making us 3v2 and you repeat the same thing
[20:37] [OP]fer> you go attack I camp *literally has full spells* :nice:
[20:37] FreeInca> lol
[20:37] [D]PeepoClown> stating the obvious after so many pp games feels cringe at this stage
[20:37] [D]PeepoClown> im not playing big base ever again
[20:37] [D]PeepoClown> c'est fini
[20:38] [OP]fer> chose the wrong small base
[20:38] Meph> i had fun spamming eqs
[20:38] Unpredictable> nice meph
[20:38] [D]PeepoClown> should've had my allies instead
[20:38] Meph> must have been so frustrating for the enemies
[20:38] FreeInca> stop smoking mepho :lol:
[20:38] adray_tsi out
[20:38] Meph> going to eq, then back up the hill in mid
[20:38] Unpredictable> u keep putting ara big 3 games in a row
[20:38] Unpredictable> just to see him get smashed
[20:39] [D]PeepoClown> who should have been big this last game then
[20:39] Unpredictable> maybe freeinca
[20:39] Unpredictable> :nice:
[20:39] [D]PeepoClown> teams were unfair af too
[20:39] aravinth> man I failed my alex strat
[20:39] aravinth> @lighting mentix
[20:40] Unpredictable> aaah thats what it was
[20:40] aravinth> braves
[20:40] Zpektrix_TAS> dw nici
[20:40] Zpektrix_TAS> you'll get fairer game soon
[20:41] aravinth> deja vu teams
[20:41] aravinth> freeinca my bad
[20:41] aravinth> you did good tbh
[20:41] Meph out
[20:42] jammy out
[20:42] jammy in
[20:42] FreeInca> i jerked off
[20:42] xtro> chcichs wtf
[20:43] [AsG]mentix out
[20:43] [OP]fer> why is everyone always leaving when I want to play
[20:43] [AsG]mentix in
[20:43] FreeInca> what xtro
[20:43] xtro> your last game
[20:44] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[20:44] FreeInca> it was shit
[20:44] RessurectioN_TAS out
[20:45] Power_OP> gg wp
[20:45] Power_OP> again nice carry ice
[20:45] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:45] Power_OP> green has a inbase tower that you build your back
[20:45] washedUp_tsi> thanks! I like craters
[20:45] Power_OP> mdidnt know where to put that
[20:45] Power_OP> i like it very much as well
[20:45] Power_OP> its troop map
[20:46] Power_OP> i leant it but then no one palyed so forgot
[20:46] Unpredictable out
[20:46] Mammy_Tas> true
[20:46] Unpredictable in
[20:46] Mammy_Tas> noone play it anymore
[20:47] Power_OP> know only basic things like yell towers lb placements and so on
[20:47] jammy out
[20:47] jammy in
[20:47] [AvA]Mibbel> damn sry must eat first
[20:48] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:48] RessurectioN_TAS out
[20:48] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:49] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + washedUp_tsi + Power_OP + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [D]PeepoClown + [SW]Fried_Rice + [OP]fer + FreeInca
[20:49] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:49] Unpredictable> teams ok?
[20:49] Power_OP> me front ty
[20:49] Unpredictable> nici mid`?
[20:49] FreeInca> me bak bak
[20:50] Unpredictable> kk
[20:50] Unpredictable> nici?
[20:50] [OP]fer> me front
[20:50] Unpredictable> kk
[20:50] [D]PeepoClown> mid
[20:50] Trog_OP> gg
[20:50] [Rw]Carycyn> gg
[20:50] FreeInca> gg trod
[20:52] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[20:58] jammy out
[20:58] jammy in
[21:03] jammy out
[21:06] RessurectioN_TAS out
[21:06] [rw]raver in
[21:07] [rw]raver> ey
[21:07] christo0972> iy
[21:07] Fael out
[21:12] TheRedPanda98 in
[21:20] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:20] FreeInca> gg
[21:20] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[21:20] [OP]fer> gg
[21:20] merciless1> bding nici on walls is just a bad idea
[21:20] FreeInca> ty for carry me venom
[21:20] merciless1> guy wins most times
[21:20] [OP]fer> you bd me
[21:21] [D]PeepoClown> who is this guy telling me to remove my plans
[21:21] [OP]fer> sorry xD
[21:21] Power_OP> lol
[21:21] [OP]fer> thought it was someone else
[21:21] [D]PeepoClown> i was always gonna fill them
[21:21] [AsG]Godzilla in
[21:21] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[21:22] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> and u were short or fws at front to
[21:22] Power_OP> nici builds towers
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> too
[21:22] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + aravinth + washedUp_tsi + Power_OP vs. [D]PeepoClown + Unpredictable + [OP]fer + FreeInca
[21:22] [OP]fer> ye all good
[21:22] merciless1> trod n nici dam :nice:
[21:22] Unpredictable> all gud for me
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> lol just teasing
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> wp
[21:22] merciless1> who stops rod's bd now
[21:22] merciless1> :nice::nice:
[21:22] aravinth> gimme power
[21:22] [OP]fer> thought it was some weirdo blocking my free space
[21:22] [OP]fer> to build def
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> im a weirdo
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> its right
[21:22] [D]PeepoClown> :kek:
[21:22] [OP]fer> some noob*
[21:23] [D]PeepoClown> that too
[21:23] [OP]fer> :kek:
[21:23] [D]PeepoClown> :omegakeklul:
[21:23] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[21:23] Power_OP> after venom u guys should open another bd
[21:23] [OP]fer> maybe it were my plans :kek:
[21:23] [AsG]mentix> ara wanna be big or ice big
[21:23] Power_OP> you fs his empty base
[21:23] merciless1> imagine 16p games
[21:23] Power_OP> lots of times
[21:23] aravinth> ice you chose
[21:23] [AsG]mentix> he said its up to me
[21:23] aravinth> am horrendous as small though
[21:23] [AsG]mentix> lol
[21:23] merciless1> the amount of shit one would throw to another like.. having the mm into the game
[21:23] [OP]fer> well I blocked every shaman from my base
[21:23] [AsG]mentix> ul be big then
[21:23] aravinth> i'll keep dying
[21:23] aravinth> until i make good damage
[21:24] merciless1> all day toxic shit :kek:
[21:24] aravinth> don't have patience to stay on hill :kek:
[21:24] [OP]fer> had to pull out my tryhard shaman
[21:24] [AsG]mentix> expect bd in 8 min
[21:24] [D]PeepoClown> fer can be my big
[21:24] christo0972 out
[21:25] merciless1 out
[21:26] merciless1 in
[21:28] TheRedPanda98 out
[21:28] xtro in
[21:31] Maganha_OP in
[21:31] Maganha_OP out
[21:32] xtro out
[21:36] ExLordDeath in
[21:36] ExLordDeath out
[21:37] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:38] [GoD]spinnimini> Game ?
[21:38] [GoD]spinnimini> Games ?
[21:38] Trog_OP> spielen gerade
[21:38] [GoD]spinnimini> Ok Next
[21:39] [AvA]Mibbel> +2 i'm thinking sess
[21:49] Tizzl in
[21:49] Tizzl out
[21:49] Tizzl in
[21:50] xtro out
[21:50] xtro in
[21:52] [AvA]Mibbel> teams ok like this ?
[21:52] merciless1> ye come alberto
[21:56] [GoD]spinnimini in
[21:56] Garbageman in
[21:59] [OP]fer> ggwp
[21:59] Unpredictable> gg wp
[21:59] Unpredictable> fking hell my rank shammy again
[21:59] Unpredictable> cos ara
[21:59] Unpredictable> ffs
[21:59] Power_OP> didnt know nici had that low pop at some points
[22:00] merciless1> truest rank ever
[22:00] [GoD]spinnimini> +2
[22:00] Power_OP> maybe ara should have gone todouble
[22:00] [GoD]spinnimini> NICI
[22:00] [GoD]spinnimini> JOIN
[22:00] [GoD]spinnimini> [GoD]spinnimini + [AsG]mentix + merciless1 + Power_OP vs. aravinth + Unpredictable + washedUp_tsi + FreeInca
[22:00] Unpredictable> men ti9xa can host
[22:00] merciless1> critical, critical.
[22:00] merciless1> :monkamega:
[22:00] Unpredictable> ok
[22:01] Unpredictable> whos bigs spin
[22:01] Unpredictable> HELLO SPIN
[22:01] Unpredictable> U AND POWER?
[22:01] Power_OP> spin and mentix
[22:01] [GoD]spinnimini> smentix wnats small
[22:01] [GoD]spinnimini> behind me
[22:02] Unpredictable> mentix not want
[22:02] [GoD]spinnimini> power big
[22:02] Power_OP> ok
[22:02] [GoD]spinnimini> shogun behind power
[22:02] Power_OP> i do then
[22:02] merciless1> dam
[22:02] Unpredictable> ok
[22:02] merciless1> thats
[22:02] merciless1> wtf is that
[22:02] washedUp_tsi> myself and FREEINCA as bigs
[22:02] merciless1> dont evne know how to cal it
[22:02] [GoD]spinnimini> power facing freeinca
[22:02] [AsG]mentix> FREEINCA
[22:02] Power_OP> oh ye noobs front pros back
[22:02] merciless1> mentix shud be big with power
[22:03] [OP]fer> trod and me too gud synergy
[22:03] [AsG]mentix> can we trade sho
[22:03] aravinth> today
[22:03] Unpredictable> k
[22:03] aravinth> I am going to have trod nightmares
[22:05] Garbageman> no stream?
[22:07] Trog_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[22:07] Trog_OP> but doesnt seem to work
[22:12] Plan3tFall out
[22:19] [D]Nightfury out
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[22:22] [GoD]Eric in
[22:23] [AvA]Mibbel> wp all
[22:23] xtro out
[22:26] [SW]Shooterxk in
[22:29] cccp in
[22:29] Trog_OP out
[22:29] cccp> HI HA <3
[22:31] cccp> my bike people likes
[22:31] cccp> https://www.instagram.com/dumairukami/
[22:31] cccp> not finished, but all get interested
[22:32] cccp> 45km/h
[22:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> that's a fast bike
[22:32] cccp> good passability on broken road
[22:33] cccp> yes fast & light
[22:33] cccp> to go far
[22:33] cccp> i have no garage
[22:33] cccp> i live in 3 floor no lift
[22:34] cccp> most thing this bike have is easy control & no poise control on turns
[22:34] cccp> no need to tilt the weight of body on turns
[22:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> nice
[22:35] cccp> & straight seat
[22:35] cccp> comfortable
[22:36] cccp> keeping finishing welding
[22:37] merciless1> big eric
[22:37] Unpredictable> gg
[22:37] merciless1> :doge:
[22:37] [GoD]spinnimini> gg
[22:37] Power_OP> they startedto ligh in 6 min
[22:37] Power_OP> coulnt do much played bad
[22:37] Power_OP> sho carried nice tho
[22:37] merciless1> shit was bit crazy
[22:37] [D]PeepoClown out
[22:37] merciless1> wp
[22:37] Unpredictable> big power
[22:37] Unpredictable> stop being so powerfull man
[22:38] Power_OP> lol
[22:38] Power_OP> man i didnt do anything
[22:38] merciless1> big powah
[22:38] Power_OP> hae to defend spins back base
[22:38] Unpredictable> :pog:
[22:38] Power_OP> all game
[22:38] Unpredictable> lool
[22:38] Unpredictable> had to save spin
[22:38] Unpredictable> dayumn
[22:38] Garbageman out
[22:38] [GoD]spinnimini> well black did most dmaage on me
[22:38] Power_OP> ye
[22:38] Power_OP> i tried to get mid
[22:38] merciless1> spin can keep a 2v1 n still smash
[22:38] Power_OP> but they had many lights
[22:38] merciless1> the fucker
[22:39] Power_OP> he does that ye
[22:39] merciless1> u wud think the other team would pressure up
[22:39] merciless1> but nope
[22:39] merciless1> fukin spin does
[22:39] merciless1> :kek:
[22:40] [AvA]Soma- in
[22:40] Power_OP> Anyone knows why my stream fucked up?
[22:40] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2141600350
[22:40] [AvA]Soma-> YOYO
[22:40] [AvA]Soma-> MAP?
[22:40] merciless1> wasnt it lookin fine
[22:40] Power_OP> idk it show 1 photo for all sstream
[22:41] merciless1> think i know why
[22:41] Power_OP> i must have done soemthing wrong
[22:41] merciless1> u shud have pressed windows key
[22:41] merciless1> then back to game
[22:41] Power_OP> fuck that
[22:41] aravinth out
[22:41] Power_OP> lmfo
[22:41] merciless1> think that shud of fixed it
[22:41] Garbageman in
[22:42] Unpredictable> lol thought everyone disabled their win key
[22:42] Unpredictable> for pop
[22:42] Unpredictable> but then shogun says to press it
[22:42] Unpredictable> lol
[22:42] [GoD]spinnimini> tom?
[22:42] [GoD]spinnimini> 3v3
[22:42] merciless1> why disable it
[22:42] Power_OP> he says that must be the problem
[22:42] Unpredictable> so u dont hit it mid game
[22:42] Unpredictable> accidently
[22:42] Unpredictable> u naab
[22:42] merciless1> loooooooooool
[22:42] Power_OP out
[22:42] merciless1> gud one
[22:42] merciless1> but idm it
[22:42] merciless1> barely press
[22:43] Unpredictable> u lack skills to disable it
[22:43] Unpredictable> i bet
[22:43] Unpredictable> :nice;:'
[22:43] merciless1> no my pc is fast
[22:43] Unpredictable> :nice:
[22:43] merciless1> i get back into game in 1 sec
[22:43] Unpredictable> aaah¨
[22:43] merciless1> so dont mind it
[22:43] Unpredictable> if u say so
[22:43] merciless1> :nice:
[22:43] Unpredictable> yoo spin
[22:43] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + [SW]Fried_Rice + [GoD]Eric vs. [GoD]spinnimini + merciless1 + [OP]fer
[22:43] [GoD]spinnimini> #
[22:43] FreeInca out
[22:45] Robskalot out
[22:47] [GoD]spinnimini> get mentix
[22:47] Garbageman out
[22:48] Icefire out
[22:53] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[22:53] ClownStar_OP in
[22:54] ClownParty out
[22:55] Lovenji_OP out
[22:57] Garbageman in
[23:02] ClownStar_OP out
[23:05] [OP]pressive_clown> ow nage
[23:05] [OP]fer> gg
[23:05] merciless1> now guy brings up TTX
[23:05] Unpredictable> gg
[23:05] merciless1> lmaoo
[23:05] Unpredictable> spies won the game
[23:05] Unpredictable> shogun 200iq
[23:06] [GoD]spinnimini> :heheboi:
[23:06] merciless1> imagine doing it over n over once we're TTX man
[23:06] merciless1> sik
[23:06] merciless1> dominatin like nuffin
[23:06] merciless1> gg wp
[23:07] Unpredictable> havent seen shogun win this much
[23:07] Unpredictable> like ever
[23:07] Unpredictable> guys on winning streak
[23:07] merciless1> dw im still bad
[23:07] merciless1> :nice:
[23:07] Unpredictable> u never were
[23:07] Unpredictable> ur op
[23:07] Unpredictable> pro
[23:07] [GoD]Eric out
[23:07] merciless1> must be true
[23:07] merciless1> :ye:
[23:08] Lucas in
[23:08] [OP]pressive_clown out
[23:08] Lucas> join for a match
[23:09] Unpredictable> gud night noobs
[23:09] Unpredictable out
[23:10] [AsG]mentix out
[23:10] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[23:10] [GoD]spinnimini> its over
[23:11] Lucas> k
[23:11] merciless1> TTX
[23:11] merciless1 out
[23:11] Lucas> cya then
[23:11] Lucas out
[23:11] [GoD]spinnimini out
[23:12] [GoD]Eric in
[23:13] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[23:14] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[23:17] [AsG]Godzilla out
[23:22] Garbageman out
[23:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[23:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[23:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[23:25] [AsG]Manl1 in
[23:25] [OP]fer out
[23:26] [OP]fer in
[23:26] [OP]fer out
[23:26] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[23:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[23:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yooo jimbo
[23:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> testing laptop atm ;)
[23:30] [SW]Shooterxk> Yo kopa man
[23:31] [SW]Shooterxk> Okay
[23:33] Luxray in
[23:34] Suslik out
[23:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[23:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Mibbel outplayed cccp that game
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> Toruk man
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> any 2v1 ?
[23:39] [AvA]Soma-> mibbel is good
[23:39] [AvA]Soma-> when he decides to attack
[23:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> and given mus, cccp should have allied soma
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> Soma Mibbel Toruk_Makto
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> 2v2 ?
[23:39] [AvA]Soma-> he is so defensive
[23:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm shocked best was you and mibbel
[23:39] [AvA]Soma-> late for me
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> any gam here
[23:39] [SW]Shooterxk> okay Soma-
[23:40] [SW]Shooterxk> Mibbel: and Toruk_Makto ?
[23:40] [SW]Shooterxk> join
[23:40] [AvA]Soma-> idk toruk
[23:40] [SW]Shooterxk> host
[23:40] Minibot_UK> [SW]Shooterxk: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[23:40] Minibot_UK> [AsG]Manl1: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[23:40] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[23:40] [SW]Shooterxk> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[SW]Shooterxk - MapPack: OK
[23:40] [SW]Shooterxk> Spyroo man
[AsG]Manl1 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [AsG]Manl1: Red - [SW]Shooterxk: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[23:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> jimmmmmmmmy
[23:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> <3
[23:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> how are you bro
[23:41] [SW]Shooterxk> i am fine bro
[23:41] [SW]Shooterxk> 1v1 game ?
[23:41] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[23:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> testing some shit
[23:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> first
[23:41] [SW]Shooterxk> sure man
[23:41] [SW]Shooterxk> <3
[23:41] [SW]Shooterxk> join here
[23:45] Luxray in
[23:46] Luxray out
[23:46] [AvA]Soma- out
[23:47] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[23:49] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[23:51] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:51] Mammy_Tas out
[23:52] Tizzl out
[23:55] RessurectioN_TAS in
[23:56] [GoD]Eric out